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Independence Day Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
13-12-2019 22:32
Independence Day Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
SCCP "nursery-garden N86" celebrated the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan with solemn events. From 9.12 to 13.12 2019, in the middle groups there were festive entertainments "Independence Day of the beloved Republic "; in the senior groups there were matinees "Magic asyk"; in the pre-school groups there were matinees "My homeland-Kazakhstan". Parents also contributed to the organization of the holiday, helped in the design of the exhibition "Menin suikti Otanym".
Still very fun, cheerfully, children competed in a Kazakh national games "ulttyk Kazakh auendery".
All events had a goal-to foster a sense of patriotism, love and respect for the Motherland, its nature, customs, traditions, friendly relations between people of different nationalities, as well as to consolidate and Supplement the children's knowledge about the historical and cultural heritage, the symbols of Kazakhstan's statehood.