Телефон доверия
email: pavlodar033@mail.ru
Адрес: Торайгыров көшесі, 16
87182531781 87182535279 87182537490
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График приема граждан:
Әр айдың дүйсенбі күні сағат 16.00-18.00 дейін
In a year
In a month
In a week
Virtual tour of the kindergarten
The base material of the kindergarten:
1. Gym
2. Music hall
3. Dance hall
4. Speech therapist's office
5. Psychologist's office
6. Cabinet of Russian and English languages
7. Methodist's office
  8. Medical office, 9. Laundress, 10. Sewing, 11. Canteen, 12. Accountant's office.