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Of the children's garden
In a healthy body - a healthy mind!
The main priority direction of the kindergarten is the protection and strengthening of children's health through health-saving technologies: medical and preventive, sports and health, educational and educational.
In addressing this issue involved all the staff of the kindergarten. Every year we set the task of improving the health of children, raising their needs to take care of their health. To solve this problem, the kindergarten conducts hardening and healing procedures and activities: various types of morning gymnastics, physical training, swimming, sauna, walks.
According to the state standard of November 22, 1995 in the variable part introduced classes in the pool and sauna, which are one of the main factors in the recovery of children.
In physical training instructor of physical culture kirshina E. N. provides an individual-differentiated approach to children, in determining the load takes into account the level of physical fitness and health.
The organization of swimming lessons conducted by the instructor of Jubao.N. - this is a demanding erudite teacher. In the systematic conduct of classes in children formed and entrenched habits to water procedures, personal and public hygiene skills, to the culture of behavior on the water. All this gives children a sense of confidence in the open water.
The main task of the medical staff of the preschool institution is a clear organization of work on monitoring the health of children. This is carrying out preventive measures aimed at ensuring the correct physical and neuropsychic development and reduction of morbidity.
Work on improving the health of the child's body is constantly improving. New medical and pedagogical technologies of children's health management provide a scientific approach to the work of staff, improving diagnostics, updating the assessment of children's health, a variety of activities in kindergarten.
Continuing to work in that direction, PED. the team decided to complicate their tasks and began to work on the formation of children's needs for the preservation and strengthening of health, as well as individual responsibility for it - the development of physical quality through outdoor games, which provides for the content of games that provide the most complete development of motor qualities-speed, agility, endurance, strength. flexibility and the most important order of their distribution in an annual cycle taking into account physiology of children.
Systematically conduct sports competitions, contests, competitions. Use the accumulated experience in games, classes, mobile activities. Give children the opportunity to enjoy the movement. It is also necessary to continue the formation of children valeological culture, which includes valeological knowledge, a deep interest in the health of the body, the development of skills of a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their health and the health of others.