Шетел пәні мұғалімі
Туған күні: 07.07.1991ж
Білімі: жоғары, Торайгров Университет, Магистр
Бітірген жылы: 2022 жыл
Педагогикалық өтілі: 7 жыл
Санаты: Педагог*модератор
3 место Городской конкурс патриотической песни
Руководитель Уалиева Гульнар Тельмановна
Лауреаты «Балауса- 2013»
Руководитель Уалиева Гульнар Тельмановна
phone - 650303
makes Budgetary Applications for the Education Department (007). Makes calculations to budget requests;
draw up an annual plan of public procurement for the department in a timely manner, introduce changes and additions to the annual plan of public procurement;
controls the preparation of annual public procurement plans for subordinate organizations;
carries out all public procurement for the education department under the programs 001, 003, 005, 007 - timely takes measures for the full development of allocated budget funds;
control over the implementation of the annual public procurement plan for the department and subordinate organizations and drawing up a technical specification for the procurement of goods, works and services;
timely draw up and send for agreement the procurement contracts for the supply of goods, works and services with suppliers, timely register applications in the Treasury;
supervises the fulfillment of the obligations (terms of delivery, terms of payment in accordance with the terms of the contract and the technical specification specified on the web portal);
timely forward claims to the court on the recognition of unscrupulous participants in public procurement, entering in the register of unscrupulous participants of public procurement in accordance with applicable law;
ensures timely and reliable delivery of reports on public procurement;
prepares consolidated reports to the finance department for public procurement for the department and subordinate institutions (schools, kindergartens and out-of-school institutions);
draw up invoices for payment and settle accounts with suppliers;
accounting in the program 1-C accounting.
3 место Выставка поделок из природного материала « Прекрасное своими руками»
Учитель Касацкая Надежда Ивановна
Шетел пәні мұғалімі
Туған күні: 16.04.2000ж
Білімі: жоғары, ПМПУ
Бітірген жылы: 2021 жыл
Педагогикалық өтілі: 1 жыл
Санаты: Педагог
Шетел пәні мұғалімі
Туған күні: 19.07.1996ж
Білімі: жоғары, ПМПУ
Бітірген жылы: 2019 жыл
Педагогикалық өтілі: 2 жыл
Санаты: Педагог-сарапшы
Шыңдық шегінде
1 место Городской конкурс « Сильная школа-здоровая школа»,
Гран-при Областной конкурс среди школ области
« Сильная школа-здоровая школа»
Руководитель Бондаренко Римма Хабибуллаевна
phone - 321944
Compiles financing plans for payments and school liabilities;
compiles information sheets on schools’ budgeting funds movements. Forms carrying amount from programs perspective on daily basis;
forms and approves the plans of incoming and outgoing flows received by state institutions from sale of goods (works and services) which remain at their disposal, introduce alterations. Checks the validity of calculations (for special account);
prepares investment projects, conception of public-private partnership for school and kindergarten constructions. Provides with information in case of changes and clarifications; prepares protocols of meeting and school training seminars;
provides report delivery on energy conservation and energy efficiency. SER;
executes the control documents, coordinates 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and responds to questions of functionality.
Шетел пәні мұғалімі
Туған күні: 29.12.1997ж
Білімі: жоғары, ПМПУ, Магистр, 2020г
Бітірген жылы: 2 жыл
Педагогикалық өтілі: 21 жыл
Санаты: Педагог.
Гүлденген ұлт
phone - 321944
Carries out the control, acceptance and inspection of expenses in the context of specific 141, 142, 149, 152, 159, 169 on budget and own funds of subordinate organizations (pre-school institutions);
Monitors the development of 4-20 subordinate organizations in the context of specificity; 142, 149, 159, 169 (schools), prepares the analysis;
prepares summary information on acts of inspections, lawsuits, requirements of Sanitary-Epidemiological Stations, Emergency Management Agency . (Analysis);
prepares summary information on fire safety, utilization, fire alarms, fire safety equipment in pre-school institutions, schools, (FA, service, equipment). EMA , SES;
prepares information on the installation of video surveillance, ramps and other subordinate organizations;
provides information on preparation for the heating season, washing, pipe testing and certificates of readiness of pre-school enterprises;
determines the necessity for holding of maintenance - water supply networks, heat supply, electricity supply, roofing in pre-school enterprises.