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High professionalism of the teacher
26-04-2019 15:01
High professionalism of the teacher

     On April 26, the regional contest "the Best development of a lesson in multilingualism"was held on the basias of school – Lyceum № 8 for gifted children.  The competent jury awarded first place to the teacher of history of the state institution "School-Lyceum No. 20 of Pavlodar city" Murzataev Yerlan Toktogulovich.  The development of the lesson, presented by Erlan Tuktagullovich, met the criteria of the modern lesson, was characterized by a rich content of educational material, innovative forms and methods of activating the student's Breakfast activity. The teacher is the winner of the city competitions "Teacher of the year – 2015", "Leader in education" (2017), the city subject Olympiad of teachers of history and social science (2015), the regional competition "Information and communication technologies in education" (2016), "the Best lesson in the course of secularism and the basics of religious studies" (2017), "Development of methodological and didactic manual" (I place, 2017).  Congratulations Murzataev Yerlan Toktogulovich with another victory!