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Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
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31-01-2019 09:57
As part of the Republican large – scale children's action dedicated to the International day without Internet "I am OFFLINE" in school № 27 were held class hours, conversations with students and parents, drawing contest for students of grades 1-4 "How I spent the day without the Internet", essay contest "I am OFFLINE" for students of grades 5-11. 
The purpose of the campaign-prevention of Internet addiction, improving the culture of Internet use. In the drawing competition 1st place went to Nikita Nalivaiko (3b class), 2 place – Vladislav Ol (3 b grade), 3rd place – zainutdinova Sofia (3 g grade). The essay contest winners were Nurgazina Ayaulym (6 in class) and Baruchin Yuri (11 a class).