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График приема граждан:
Бейсенбі сағат 15:00 - ден 18:00 - ге дейін
In a year
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In a week
The action
The action "hour of the code in Kazakhstan"
06-12-2018 11:43
In the framework of the international "week of computer science "3rd-9th December our school held the action" hour of the code in Kazakhstan". In every classroom in science lessons...
Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
03-12-2018 13:54
Pre-school education 0 "A" class was held an educational lesson for children. Purpose: to give an idea about the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev, learn, evaluate the wor...
Student 1
Student 1 " a " class Samenova Aida
03-12-2018 12:34
Student 1" A " class school № 37 Pavlodar Samenova Aida took part in the open tournament in rhythmic gymnastics "Aisulu" in Almaty and took 3rd place. We wish Aida further success...
Public lesson
Public lesson
30-11-2018 14:39
In the framework of the week of the methodical association of artistic creativity, physical culture, music and NVP, class 3 "B" was held. Theme: The Oldest Zhetigen. Objective: to develop th...
Winners of the contest
Winners of the contest "ASAT bass Kala - Astana»
30-11-2018 10:00
November 30, 2018 in the house of Friendship with the support of the Assembly of peoples of Kazakhstan, the organization of the society "Kazakh tili" was held the award ceremony of the conte...
Open lesson
Open lesson
29-11-2018 23:31
The open lesson with the 8th grade was held in the framework of the week of the methodical Association of art work, physical culture, music and NVP, aesthetic cycle. Topic: product Design in ethnostyl...
29-11-2018 23:26
Today our school held a round table on" Our President". It was attended by students 7 " D " class. The purpose of the event: to expand knowledge about the life of the First Preside...
 Master class
Master class
28-11-2018 23:48
The master class was held in the framework of the week of the methodical association of artistic work, physical culture, music and science and technology. Topic: Making accessories using wet felting t...
Meeting dedicated to Shakarim Uudayberdiev to the 160th anniversary
Meeting dedicated to Shakarim Uudayberdiev to the 160th anniversary
28-11-2018 22:56
The school library hosted a meeting with a 7 “c” class dedicated to Shakarim Uudayberdiev for the 160th anniversary. Literary reading "Agan Zhuldyz" where students got acquainted...
Republican campaign
Republican campaign " Me and my policeman»
27-11-2018 22:40
Meeting with the police Within the framework of the Republican campaign "I and my policeman" on November 27, 2018, the results of the contest of children's drawings "police Work&q...
Discussion of the article ‘Seven Facets of the Great Steppe’ by the President of Kazakhstan
Discussion of the article ‘Seven Facets of the Great Steppe’ by the President of Kazakhstan
26-11-2018 16:25
On November 26, 2018, in school № 37, a seminar on the topic “Solving the problem of modernization of education in Kazakhstan in the activities of school № 37” was held . It focused on the...
Opening ceremony of the week of the methodical association of art work, physical education, music and NVP
Opening ceremony of the week of the methodical association of art work, physical education, music and NVP
26-11-2018 14:30
Today, the opening ceremony of the week of the methodical association of art work, physical education, music and science and technology for students of grades 5-9 was held. The program included a flas...
24-11-2018 20:26
Today, the chess teacher Kozhanov Yerkyn decided to hold friendly chess meetings with the teachers of the 26th school. The total number of children is 14. The guests came more prepared and won with a...
24-11-2018 19:10
One of the important works, which has become an annual tradition at school, is the definition and Approval of the theme of the scientific project. In this regard, Professor of Pavlodar state pedagogic...
Regional competition of research projects
Regional competition of research projects
23-11-2018 20:15
November 23 was the regional stage of the competition of scientific projects for students in grades 8-11. It was attended by eight students of our school, five won prizes. In the Kazakh language to th...
Open lesson
Open lesson
20-11-2018 13:51
Yesterday English teacher Kuanova Gulmira Imashevna held an open lesson in 6 " a "class. The theme was "Talking about the geography". The pupils actively participated in the lesson...
Temperature regime
Temperature regime
20-11-2018 09:22
Қолайсыз ауа райының жағдайына байланысты сабақтарды болдырмау туралы ата-аналар мен оқушыларға уақтылы хабар беру жүйесібекітілді. Білім беру бөлімінің сайтында ақпарат жайғастыру төмендегідеу мекенж...
Results of the intra-school Olympiad of younger students
Results of the intra-school Olympiad of younger students
19-11-2018 16:08
One of the main tasks in primary school is the formation and education of children's conscious attitude to learning. It is formed by improving the learning process, as well as the organization of...
City basketball games
City basketball games
17-11-2018 15:29
In school № 37 was held city basketball games among girls. Today 3 and 4 places competed school №18 and №16. Schools №37 and № 24 competed in the final.Our team took 2nd place. Congratulations!
Awards on behalf of akim of Pavlodar
Awards on behalf of akim of Pavlodar " letter of thanks"
15-11-2018 14:46
In connection with the celebration of the professional holiday of employees of the financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the day of the national currency-tenge, the chief accountant of the...