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Сәрсенбі 15.00-17.00
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Open Day
Open Day "Lyceum lights the stars - 2019"
20-05-2019 21:08
       In the state institution “School - Lyceum No. 20 of the city of Pavlodar” the traditional open day event “Lyceum lights the Lyceum - 2019” was held....
Welcome back, boys ...
Welcome back, boys ...
20-05-2019 21:05
      On May 17, tenth-graders of lyceum No. 20, future defenders of the Fatherland, returned from field training. For five days, the guys got acquainted with the basics of military ser...
Single national parent meeting at the school-lyceum number 20
Single national parent meeting at the school-lyceum number 20
16-05-2019 15:21
      On the initiative of the Department of Pre-School and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on May 15, 2019, all organization...
Next, for excellent grades!
Next, for excellent grades!
16-05-2019 09:15
      Today, the school-lyceum number 20 began the week of excellent evaluation. Every day, those responsible for the educational sector of the classes fill out a statement in which onl...
5-day defense and sports camp
5-day defense and sports camp
14-05-2019 15:36
     On May 13, 2019, the 10th grade children of the city schools went to the defense camp.   The purpose of the event is to get information about the living conditions of the...
Open House Day
Open House Day
11-05-2019 12:32
Open House Day
XV scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren
XV scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren
08-05-2019 21:07
        It has become a tradition to hold within the walls of the school-Lyceum № 20 scientific and practical conferences, during which the Lyceum students together with their supe...
We remember and honor ...
We remember and honor ...
06-05-2019 14:29
        74 years have passed since the day when the red flag of the Victory flew over the Reichstag, which marked the end of the bloody war. Since then, May 9 has become the bright...
Well done!
Well done!
02-05-2019 08:19
        Congratulations to pupils of 11 grade Danila Eremin occupied 1st place and Monbusho Madina for the occupied 3rd place in the city contest "Best in profession" in...
A single lesson of local lore
A single lesson of local lore
29-04-2019 15:43
      Today, the school – Lyceum№20 for Lyceum students of 8 classes held a single lesson of local history. The purpose of the event is to develop students ' knowledge about g...
High professionalism of the teacher
High professionalism of the teacher
26-04-2019 15:01
     On April 26, the regional contest "the Best development of a lesson in multilingualism"was held on the basias of school – Lyceum № 8 for gifted children.  The...
СӨСНО мамандарымен  өткен кездесу
СӨСНО мамандарымен өткен кездесу
25-04-2019 16:03
    «Асқынған ішек инфекциясын алдын алу» айлығының өткізілуіне байланысты оқушылар арасында тамақтан улану мен асқынған ішек инфекциясын алдын алу мақсатында № 20 лицей-мектебін...
Only forward Laura!
Only forward Laura!
19-04-2019 09:47
    Congratulations to Laura Omarzhanova, a schoolgirl of 10a class, with a victory in the Republican swimming championship among young people with a lesion of the musculoskeletal system and...
Polina’s  Victory.
Polina’s Victory.
17-04-2019 14:17
      The bank of letters from Yermolayeva Polina was replenished with one more. She won the Grand Prix at the І International Festival Competition “Dionis” in the choreogra...
Network security.
Network security.
15-04-2019 13:37
     Today, at the school-lyceum № 20, the initiative group of lyceum students held an information five-minute period in the framework of the “Safe Internet” campaign. The d...
Ғылымға  жол.
Ғылымға жол.
13-04-2019 20:14
     2019 жылы 11-12 сәуірде Инновациялық Еуразия университетінде Қазақстан Республикасы Кіші Ғылым Академиясының "Білім және ғылым интеграциясы-болашаққа қадам"атты XLV ғылым...
Birds are our feathered friends.
Birds are our feathered friends.
12-04-2019 14:56
     A great contribution to the preservation of native nature begins with a small concern for birds!     In the park of Pavlodar Regional Kazakh Music and Drama Theater nam...
11-04-2019 15:07
Біраз мерзімнен соң мектепте демалыс басталады. Балаларда бос уақыт пайда боладыі. Электр  құралдарын пайдалану кезінде Қауіпсіздік техникасын сақтау ережелерін және  басқа да САҚТАЛУҒА тиіс...
«Honesty is the best quality in a person.   To be honest is to be real.»
«Honesty is the best quality in a person. To be honest is to be real.»
11-04-2019 15:01
     As part of the regional project “Adaldyk Alaky”, in the school-lyceum N20, a honesty shop was opened, where there is no seller, but only a buyer: students and teachers....
       Pedagogical council in action.
Pedagogical council in action.
09-04-2019 15:33
        Today, at the State School “Lyceum № 20” helded the thematic pedagogical council “Spiritual and moral education of students through the implementation of...