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email: sosh27@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140006 c. Pavlodar, st. Pavlov 17
reception: 33-81-23, accounting: 33-81-46, methodical study 33-81-25
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График приема граждан:
Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
In a year
In a month
In a week
08-06-2018 16:02
   June 8, that's the end of the first week of the camp shift. And we have new routes. Today in the Palace of schoolchildren we visited wonderful master classes. We were decorated with w...
08-06-2018 09:33
  On June 7, there were interesting guests in our camp. They brought us the Planetarium. We watched interesting cognitive films and then discussed them with interest. And at the end of the day we...
07-06-2018 09:12
    June 6 in our camp is not boring. We conquered the summit, we studied the traditions of the peoples in the museum of local lore and visited the theater named after Aimauytov!
06-06-2018 14:27
   5 маусымда біздің «Күншуак» лагерінде қызықты күн өтті. Біз тарихи-өлкетану мұражайында тарихты зерттедік, Скаладомдағы кедергілерді жеңуді үйрендік, 6-шы кітапханада қазақ ақ...
12 days of struggle against the exploitation of child labor
12 days of struggle against the exploitation of child labor
06-06-2018 11:16
   On June 1, 2018, the national information company "12 days of struggle against the exploitation of child labor" began at the school. The school library organized an exhibition &...
 Farewell to the first class
Farewell to the first class
20-05-2018 16:20
    In the class 1a passed the holiday "Farewell to the first class." He began with a speech "director of the school", "rector of the Institute", "doctor o...
 All-Republican Assembly
All-Republican Assembly
17-05-2018 12:15
On May 15, the National Assembly "Educated nation - the quality of education and family values" was held in the school № 27. The representative of the working group of the office "Ruhan...
We remember. We are proud
We remember. We are proud
14-05-2018 16:00
On May 14, 2018, the traditional competition of the staged military-patriotic song dedicated to the Great Victory was held at the ecological school.    The contest is aimed at military-patr...
 Happy Victory Day
Happy Victory Day
05-05-2018 18:42
   On May 4, students of the 2 nd class of secondary school № 27 congratulated Grigorash Vasiliy Ivanovich on the Victory Day of the participant of the Great Patriotic War
"Zhas Kyran" joined the ranks.
02-05-2018 15:01
        On May 2, 2018 in the school № 27 there was a ceremony of dedicating students to the ranks of the children's and youth organization "Zhas Kyran". The main goa...
Secure Internet
Secure Internet
02-05-2018 10:34
   On May 2, a competition of posters devoted to the topic "Secure Internet" took place among schoolchildren of grades 1-4 at the school №27. The children presented their understan...
 Tournament on volleyball
Tournament on volleyball
28-04-2018 18:32
     April 28 at the school hosted a city volleyball tournament among the school teachers of the city's schools, dedicated to the memory of the school № 27 teacher Baibusinov Meiram...
Trekking in Skalad
Trekking in Skalad
17-04-2018 16:13
April 17 pupils of the 3rd class visited Scalad - the Center for Rock Climbing and Tourism, where experienced instructors gave them a master class on rock climbing. It was very interesting!
Day of propaganda of languages
Day of propaganda of languages
17-04-2018 16:01
On April 16, School No. 27 hosted a day of language propaganda. Responsible was the Ministry of Teachers of Kazakh and English. In the corridors and recreation schools were placed words and phrases in...
Training evacuation
Training evacuation
10-04-2018 09:57
Information  about conducting training evacuation on school № 27 in Pavlodar 04/06/2018. in school № 27 in Pavlodar there was a training evacuation on fire safety. Prior to the evacuation, a...
"I'm friends with the book"
28-03-2018 14:24
Competition program
Visiting the fairy tale
Visiting the fairy tale
27-03-2018 12:11
In the world of books
In the world of books
26-03-2018 15:04
26 наурызда кітап кітапханасында балалар кітабының апталығы аясында «Кітаптар әлемінде» ойындары 2-ші сынып оқушыларына арналды. Іс-шараның мақсаты кітапқа деген сүйіспеншілікті тәрбиелеу,...
 Excursion to the museum of local lore
Excursion to the museum of local lore
19-03-2018 10:37
On March 16, pupils of the 5th and 8th grades visited the local history museum of PSPU, where they had an interesting and informative excursion
 Week of Natural Science
Week of Natural Science
16-03-2018 14:50
          13-15 марта в рамках предметной недели естественно-математического цикла уч-ся 7Б, 9Б, 11А классов провели в начальной школе игры, беседы по естествознанию.  ...