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email: sosh27@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140006 c. Pavlodar, st. Pavlov 17
reception: 33-81-23, accounting: 33-81-46, methodical study 33-81-25
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График приема граждан:
Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
In a year
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"Funny starts"
16-03-2018 10:25
On March 14, as part of the continuity between school and kindergarten, the school hosted "Merry Starts". In the competitions took part pupils of kindergarten №72 and pupils of 1 "A&quo...
Connoisseurs of Nature
Connoisseurs of Nature
13-03-2018 21:31
March 12, 2018 in school number 27 of the city of Pavlodar within the subject week "NATURAL-MATHEMATICAL CYCLE" by natural science teacher Kambalina S.V. among pupils of the fifth classes an...
01-03-2018 15:14
As part of the Day of Gratitude celebration, on March 1, 2018, a single class hour was held in all classes "Altys Aytu Parazym". The purpose of conducting a class hour is to introduce the ne...
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day
01-03-2018 10:36
On March 1, in class "B" a class hour was held on the theme: "Thanksgiving Day". Through the reception of "5 fingers" students mentally wished each other all the best. In...
 Winter Leisure
Winter Leisure
28-02-2018 16:10
Pupils of "B" class are having fun the last winter days. Visited ICE ARENA, charged with positive emotions. Friendship! Joy! Smiles!
contest wall newspaper
contest wall newspaper
22-02-2018 21:48
On February 22, among the pupils of grades 2-4, there was a wall newspaper competition on the topic "Secure Internet". All classes took an active part. 1 place took 4B class, 2nd place took...
Secure Internet
Secure Internet
22-02-2018 21:40
According to the plan of the month "Tell Life YES!" On February 21, a contest of booklets and booklets on "Safe Internet", "How to ensure safety on the Internet", "W...
22-02-2018 09:13
February 20 students 4 "B" class SOSH number 27 visited the museum im.D. Bagaev. Extremely warm feelings remained from this event. The guide, very keen on history and attentive to the small...
Visit to the theater
Visit to the theater
14-02-2018 09:45
   10 Feb 2018 Students of class B 7, school №27 has visited the regional Kazakh drama. Theater them. Zh. The children watched the play "AK Ken" on the works of Chingiz Aitmatov....
"Heart filled with love"
10-02-2018 11:55
contest of readers
exhibition of creative works
exhibition of creative works " from heart to heart»
07-02-2018 11:33
On February 7, the exhibition of creative works "from heart to heart" dedicated to the decade of "self-Knowledge"was held in school № 27. Pupils and their parents took an active pa...
06-02-2018 16:39
photo album presentation
A heart filled with love
A heart filled with love
05-02-2018 16:43
February 5 in the state school №27 was held recitation contest  "Heart full of love" dedicated to the decade on the subject "Self-knowledge". Students took active participatio...
 Excursion to the museum of Mayra Shamsutdinova
Excursion to the museum of Mayra Shamsutdinova
05-02-2018 07:17
On February 1, 2018, pupils of the 6th grade B visited the House-Museum of the songwriting of the Kazakh composer and folk singer Maira Ualievna Shamsutdinova. It was opened in 2001 in a house-monume...
 In the world of beauty!
In the world of beauty!
03-02-2018 12:04
   Today, February 2, the children of our school went to the theater. J. Aimautov, where they saw a wonderful fairy tale "Kү ата atasyn tanımas". The performance was wonderful! Ma...
Excursion to art Museum
Excursion to art Museum
20-01-2018 07:49
On January 19 the students of 2B and 2G classes visited the exhibition at the art muee. The kids loved the pictures and interesting tour that was conducted by the Museum staff.
Journey to Knigograd
Journey to Knigograd
03-01-2018 14:57
On 3 January in the school library for the students of 2 classes of the festival "Journey to Knigograd". The purpose of the event is to instill in children a love of children's books and...
Excursion to the Museum  Bagaeva
Excursion to the Museum Bagaeva
19-12-2017 04:36
Students of 4 B class earlier in the Day visited the House-Museum.D.P.Bagaeva. They learned a lot about the genius of the Pavlodar photographer.
The Day Of Astana
The Day Of Astana
15-12-2017 08:30
    Our school was a single class hour, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital Astana.     Students 7 "B" class took an active part in the organization and con...