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The results of the urban Аbay readings
02-03-2018 07:57
The results of the urban Аbay readings

      According to the plan, the employment Center and development of children's giftedness "Pavlodar daryny" 01.03.2018 year in school № 22 were traditional Abay readings. Pupils of school № 37 took an active part and came back with certificates. The pupil of 7 "B" class Adilbekova Aiym (head Dusenbina Gulcim Amangeldinovna) took THIRD place in the category "Objective -SSD of patsey" student 10 "A" class Junushanova Samal took THIRD place in the nomination "KLM and any" (head Isakova Gaukhar Abdykeshovna), the pupil 9 "A" class Usakhonova Aysana (head Abrahimov Saken Baltekovich) in the category "Girkan IIRC Ozar arising" received the SECOND prize. Congratulations to our winners, worthy of speaking at Abaevsky readings and teachers for quality training!