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Held city tour "Mahambetovskie reading»
20-03-2018 11:49
Held city tour

    On March 16, 2018, at the general education school №25 of Pavlodar city, "Pavlodar Daryny" held the city stage of pupils of 5-11 grades of secondary schools of the city "Makhambet’s reading".
"Makhambet’s reading" were conducted in three directions for propaganda of creativity of the poets, development of creative abilities and love of spiritual heritage among pupils of city schools.
One of the three directions of the contest was the young talent of our 5th grade student Zhienbek Yersultan (Leader - Dyusenbina Gulsim Amangeldinovna), a diploma of 3 degrees from the competition of young talents. Also, Mashrab Akhmedy (Pupil - Akparova Tugzhan Tleugabylovna), a pupil of the 10th grade pupil of the school №37, was awarded the diploma of the 3rd degree and took the honor of our school in the direction of studying the poet's works "I am the son of Utemis Makhambet". Let your pupils know! Congratulations on your victory!