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Met famous akyn Amanzhol altayev with gifted pupils
18-04-2018 07:56
Met famous akyn Amanzhol altayev with gifted pupils

     17.04.2018 years in the Palace of schoolchildren named after M. Katayev within the framework of the project "Rouhani gear" met famous akyn Amanzhol altayev with gifted pupils of the schools in our region. SOSH № 37 was represented by the winners of city and regional readings, creative competitions. Famous poet Amanzhol at the very interesting talks about creative ideas, read poems and sang songs. Each speech was accompanied by a rapid applause, as the ability to find his listener, proficiency in oratory, deep knowledge of literature, broad-mind made a huge impression and touched the heart of everyone who was sitting in the hall. Such meetings have great educational value in Patriotic education of youth , develop love to art of the word, to literature, to creativity in General.