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Сәрсенбі 15.00-17.00
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Как в университете!
29-12-2018 17:54
Как в университете!

         Every year, on the last week of December, an examination session for students of the 8th and 11th grades is held in the state institution “Lyceum № 20 of the city of Pavlodar”.
         Winter session:
- helps to systematize knowledge;
- increases the level of learning motivation;
- is a mechanism for eliminating gaps in students' knowledge;
- brings the school educational process closer to the academic format of universities.
         InEU scientists and parents are traditionally invited to the examination committee.
        The main feature of the winter session of the 2018-2019 school year is the inclusion in the examining board of the winners and prize-winners of the city subject Olympiad, competitions of scientific projects, and excellent students. Questions of the organization of duty, the maintenance of order during the examinations, the working atmosphere in the classrooms was ensured by the headquarters, headed by Alimkhan Botagoz, who studies 11 K class. Independence of students and confidence in them from the teaching staff will be a motivational factor in increasing student activity! In the future, excellent students, winners and prize-winners of various Olympiads will be more! This is how our intellectual elite is brought up!