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Русский язык
Русский язык
09-06-2022 10:52
The interest of schoolchildren in the lessons of the Russian language can be increased by using elements of entertainment and games.  So, in a playful way, the guys worked out the spelling, writi...
 6 класс
6 класс
09-06-2022 10:49
One child is interested in atlases, and the other loves poetry.  One is a realist and the other is a dreamer.  Every child needs a book at the right time.   Students of the 6th grade...
09-06-2022 10:47
Mathematics is a special language, we learn to speak it together.  Today, at the mathematics lessons at the summer school, students of the 5th grade repeated the topic "Division of decimal f...
10 класс
10 класс
09-06-2022 10:45
“And if I sometimes want to live up to 120 years old, it is only because one life is not enough to experience all the charms of our nature to the end.” K. G. Paustovsky.  Today the...
6-7 класс
6-7 класс
09-06-2022 10:43
Pupils of 6th and 7th grades in the history lessons considered topics that cause difficulties.  We worked with contour maps on the topics of the Middle Ages, worked on terms and concepts, answere...
"First space travelers"
09-06-2022 10:39
Today's lesson in Russian took place in the children's library №3, where 4th grade students worked on the topic "First space travelers": they found and extracted information from enc...
3 class
3 class
09-06-2022 10:32
Grade 3 pupils continue to work on text analysis: they learn to formulate questions on the content of the text, characterize the characters by their actions, express their attitude to what they read
5 класс
5 класс
08-06-2022 11:17
A wide vocabulary is something every English learner should aim for, because the more words you know, the more you can say.  However, in addition to learning new words, you also need to learn how...
1 класс
1 класс
08-06-2022 10:58
In the summer school, at the English lesson, grade 1 students repeated the lexical and grammatical material on the topic "Numerals".  where they developed pronunciation skills, pronunci...
Of course, games!
Of course, games!
08-06-2022 10:48
It has long been known that the best teaching method is the one that children like.  What do kids love the most?  Of course, games!  Games stimulate associative memory.  Today...
A lesson, a game and a fun physical minute help to learn the Kazakh language with fun and interest
A lesson, a game and a fun physical minute help to learn the Kazakh language with fun and interest
07-06-2022 10:10
A lesson, a game and a fun physical minute help to learn the Kazakh language with fun and interest.  Teacher: Sagitova Zh.S.
"Funny swing"
07-06-2022 10:08
"Funny swing" is the most fun and easy way to learn the Kazakh language.
3 класс
3 класс
07-06-2022 10:06
Grade 3 pupils were offered an interesting task: listen to the audio text and reproduce what they heard through the picture.  During the analysis of the listened text, the teacher introduced them...
"Environmental Protection"
07-06-2022 10:05
The topic "Environmental Protection" was revealed by 4th grade students in the bosom of nature.  During the conversation "Why it is necessary to protect nature" they fixed the...
"Best Library"
07-06-2022 10:03
Shakhmanova A.Zh.  awarded for taking 2nd place in the 2022 Republican competition for librarians "jana kitaphana" in the nomination "One country, one book", awarded the title...
"We are friends with nature"
07-06-2022 10:01
Cognitive games are organized with students of grade 1 during extracurricular activities.  Today the game training "We are friends with nature" was held.
Children's Library
Children's Library
07-06-2022 09:56
On June 4, in honor of the Day of Symbols, students of the 2nd grade visited the children's library and took part in the event.  We got acquainted with interesting books, read books, magazine...
The summer school continues its work in grades 7-10 in English
The summer school continues its work in grades 7-10 in English
07-06-2022 09:17
The summer school continues its work in grades 7-10 in English. Students repeat the material in the form of "Memory games" and "Board games".
"Біз бірдейміз!"
20-05-2022 20:51
"Біз бірдейміз!"
17-05-2022 15:40
№21 ЖББОМ 4 "В" сынып оқушысы Ботвинко Ерамир, "Зерде" республикалық ғылыми жобалар байқауының облыстық турының жүлдегері, облыстық "Балалық шақтың аспаны" балалар фестив...