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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
In a year
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In a week
18-06-2021 15:51
Today has become one of the most memorable days for children who have a rest in the "SMESHARIKI" school camp. With pleasure, with great desire, with a good mood, they went on a water excursi...
18-06-2021 15:47
The 1st season of the SMESHARIKI school camp at school # 21 has passed All plans have been fulfilled, activities have been carried out. Children received a boost of energy, positive, health for all...
Funny Games
Funny Games
18-06-2021 15:43
On the 17th June the instructors of PE Alekseenko Tatyana Aleksandrovna and Abdalinov Rustambek Talgatovich played the forgotten games of the Soviet era "12 палочек", "Резиночки",...
18-06-2021 15:39
The group "Yozhiki" went for a walk in the park "Eternal Flame". They had a great time.
school # 21
school # 21
18-06-2021 15:34
Students of the secondary school # 21 during the summer holidays work in labor teams for greening our city. The guys are improving the territory of the Dachny microdistrict.
Master Class
Master Class
17-06-2021 17:50
On the 16th June, a master class on right-hemispheric drawing was held with the pupils of the "Sovunya" detachment. It was conducted by PE Instructor Alekseenko Tatiana Aleksandrovna. Having...
Miss and Mr. Camp 2021
Miss and Mr. Camp 2021
17-06-2021 17:39
Attention, attention, attention! Today at the summer camp we held the Miss and Mr. Camp 2021 contest! A total of 6 couples took part. A business card of each contestant was presented, as well as all...
16-06-2021 19:21
16.06.2021 the doctor of the polyclinic / 4 Astashkina L.N. awareness-raising work on vaccination issues was carried out.
16-06-2021 19:14
The group "Yozhiki" from the camp "Smeshariki" went to the pool. The children had a great time swimming and playing.
"Through the old house"
16-06-2021 19:09
For Kroshi's detachment, was organized - a walk "Through the old house". In a friendly crowd with cheerful voices, they entered the House - Museum. Everything is informative, everything...
16-06-2021 19:02
On June 16, 2021, in the assembly hall of the House of Friendship, the city vocal offline competition Voice-Jazz-2021 was held. Our guys took an active part in the competition. DIPLOMA OF THE COMPETI...
Online seminar
Online seminar
16-06-2021 18:46
The psychologist of the Pavlodar Regional Center for Mental Health Nebeltsova Anna Aleksandrovna conducted an online seminar on the prevention of the use of electronic cigarettes.
 Irtysh CINEMA
16-06-2021 18:43
On June 16th, 3rd, 4th detachments with their educators visited the Irtysh CINEMA cinema after watching the animated film "Cruella". The children were happy with the viewing!
"Zhas Kanat"
16-06-2021 10:22
Classmates of Dotsenko Yegor, a student of grade 8G, could not help but support him at the reporting concert of the pop studio "Zhas Kanat", where Yegor has been studying for many years.&nbs...
16-06-2021 07:52
Pupils of the specialized camp took part in the city competition of fashionable clothes from waste material "Ecomoda".
"Irtysh dunes"
16-06-2021 07:42
The creative team of the SMESHARIKI school camp took part in the city competition "Irtysh dunes".  Children made a sand sculpture of a sea animal.  The work was sent to the competi...
"Halyg radiosy"
16-06-2021 07:36
Today representatives of the SMESHARIKI school camp spoke on the air of Halyg radiosy on Friday the topic "Organization of summer vacations at school # 21" In their speech, the educators not...
"Through the old house"
15-06-2021 12:59
For the “Yozhiki” detachment, a quest - walk "Through the old house" was organized.  In a friendly crowd with cheerful voices, they entered the House - Museum.  Everyth...
"Marathon of Good Deeds"
15-06-2021 12:34
On the 14th June, within the framework of the national project "Marathon of Good Deeds", students of the PM - 30 group under the guidance of the master of industrial training Galina Loginova...
15-06-2021 09:28
The groups "Yozhiki", "Bibi", "Sovunyi" from the camp "Smeshariki" went to the pool.  The children had a great time swimming and playing.