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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
In a year
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"Legal and medical consequences of early sexual activity"
18-02-2021 09:40
Today was organized a meeting on the issue of moral and sexual education of high school learners. with a practicing doctor of 4 polyclinics Ostashkina Lyudmila Nikolaevna in Pavlodar and a representat...
Карантинді қалай өткізу керек.
Карантинді қалай өткізу керек.
10-02-2021 20:20
How to survive quarantine.Advice from a psychologist for students and their parents during a difficult period of quarantine. How to deal with anxiety, fears and discomfort .
Коронавирустан қорғанудың қандай әдістері бар?
Коронавирустан қорғанудың қандай әдістері бар?
10-02-2021 20:10
Коронавирустан қорғанудың қандай әдістері бар? Өзіңізді вирустық инфекциялардан қалай қорғауға болатыны туралы нұсқаулық
"Үздік оқу-әдістемелік құрал"
04-02-2021 08:23
Primary school teacher of secondary school # 21 Ibrayeva Kamilya Ramazanovna took 1st place in the regional competition "The best teaching aid". Congratulations
"Outstanding Personalities of Kazakhstan"
04-02-2021 08:20
On January 29, 2021, in the 5 E grade, the intellectual warm-up "Outstanding Personalities of Kazakhstan" was held within the framework of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" program. In the le...
"Біз өмірдің гүліміз"
04-02-2021 08:18
4th grade pupil Zhumazhan Arnur, member of the dombra circle of secondary school No. 21, performed the song "Biz Omirdin Gulimiz".
Жас экорепортер
Жас экорепортер
04-02-2021 08:15
In the competition "Young ecoreporter", organized by the State Enterprise "Center for leisure and development of gifted children Pavlodar daryny", diplomas of the 3rd degree were r...
Менің кіші Отаным
Менің кіші Отаным
04-02-2021 08:11
What is Homeland? In most cases, the Motherland is associated with a place where you want to return. In the 1 "G" class there was a class hour "My LITTLE HOMELAND".
04-02-2021 08:06
Pupil 6 "v" class Baltabaeva Anel, took part in the international game-competition in informatics and computer thinking "Bebras - 2020" and took 3rd place. Congratulations !!! Teac...
Есеп беру кездесуі
Есеп беру кездесуі
29-01-2021 11:17
28.01.2021 the reporting meeting of the director of KSU "SOSH 21" Irina Yuryevna Tsukrova took place online on the basis of the results of the second quarter before the Board of Trustees.
"Ғарышқа қол созған"
28-01-2021 08:13
On October 2, 1991, Toktar Aubakirov made a space flight from Baikonur aboard the Soyuz TM-13 spacecraft and made a return landing on October 10. This year, for the first time, grade 11 A students too...
"Менің үйімдегі кітапханам"
28-01-2021 08:11
Pupil of 5 "V" class Kuznetsova Kristina takes part in the competition "My home library"
"Ақылды ұрпақ мұратқа жетер"
28-01-2021 08:09
Within the framework of the project "Rukhani zhangyru" entitled "Smart generation will reach the ideal" students of the 1 "A" class visited the ethnographic museum "...
28-01-2021 08:06
Pupils of KSU "SOSH 21" Kristina Kostenko and Victoria Kostenko took part in the city online championship among boys and girls in jumping rope in reverse rotation. The goal and objective of...
Онлайн конкурс
Онлайн конкурс "Менің үй кітапханам"
26-01-2021 19:15
Онлайн конкурс "Менің үй кітапханам"
Онлайн конкурс
Онлайн конкурс "Менің үй кітапханам"
26-01-2021 19:10
Онлайн конкурс "Менің үй кітапханам"
Родительское собрание 3 «Г» класса
Родительское собрание 3 «Г» класса
22-01-2021 08:56
How we bring up our children, what personal qualities we can develop in them, taking into account their individual and gender characteristics, directly depends on what kind of women and men they will...
" Менің отбасым-менің байлығым!"
22-01-2021 08:54
In the 4 "e" class there was a class hour on the topic "My family is my wealth!"
«Ертістің өңірінің киелі жерлері»
«Ертістің өңірінің киелі жерлері»
22-01-2021 08:52
In 7 "B" class there was a class hour on "Holy places of the Irtysh region". Purpose: To acquaint pupils with the sacred places and history of the Irtysh region. To bring up to lov...