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"Мен мамандық таңдаймын"
22-01-2021 08:50
 In the 7 V grade there was a class hour on the topic “I choose a profession”. The students examined the main types of professions, their features. They shared their plans for their f...
«Қазақ халқының ұлы тұлғалары»
«Қазақ халқының ұлы тұлғалары»
22-01-2021 08:48
In class 3A there was an educational hour "Great personalities of the Kazakh people." Students got acquainted with the great personalities of the Kazakh people, as well as their biographies...
"Жастарды тоталитарлық сектаға үйір болу қаупі"
22-01-2021 08:28
On January 21, in the 9 V grade, a class hour was held on the topic "The threat of involving young people in a totalitarian sect." The students learned what a totalitarian sect is, the signs...
Научиться говорить «нет» достаточно сложно
Научиться говорить «нет» достаточно сложно
22-01-2021 08:24
Learning to say "no" is hard enough. But as you learn how to do this, you will feel more confident as people, because you will be able to decide how to manage your time and will not be burde...
"Болашаққа бағдар: Рухани жаңғыру"
22-01-2021 08:22
Pupil 4 "A" of class Zhumazhan Arnur became the winner of the republican competition "The best gifted student of the Republic of Kazakhstan", which was held in order to popularize...
" Павлодар бластының киелі орындары "
22-01-2021 08:17
Pupil 2 "D" class of KSU secondary school # 21 Ziyadinov Emir took part in the Regional distance competition "Sacral places of Pavlodar Blast"
ля родителей 7-х классов психологом была проведена лекция о психическом здоровье.
ля родителей 7-х классов психологом была проведена лекция о психическом здоровье.
20-01-2021 10:26
Mental health is one of the components of the harmonious development of a child. For parents of 7th grade, the school psychologist Kenesbayeva Marina Kuatbekovna gave a lecture on mental health. How t...
"ZHAS DARYN - 2020"
20-01-2021 10:24
Pupil of 4 "Zh" class Zhan Shingazhinov, took part in the republican competition of scientific projects "ZHAS DARYN - 2020" and took 2nd place. Congratulations !!! Scientific advis...
20-01-2021 10:21
5 А сынып оқушыларымен «АТТИЛА – ЕУРОПА ЖӘНЕ ДАЛА ХАЛЫҚТАРЫНЫҢ КӨШБАСШЫСЫ» бағытында «АТТИЛА және оның жорықтары», интеллектуалды сайыс өтті. Мақсаты: жастардың құндылық...
"Менің көңіл-күйім"
20-01-2021 10:20
For first grade pupils, the school psychologist Varga N.V. a correctional and developmental lesson to reduce the level of aggressiveness "My mood" was held. The purpose of the lesson: to lea...
" Пайдалы тағам - денсаулықтың кепілі"
19-01-2021 08:14
On January 14, in the 5 "B" class, there was an educational hour "Healthy eating is the guarantee of health".
"Моя семья"
19-01-2021 08:12
In class 3 "B" there was a class hour on the topic of my family. Purpose: To explain that the family is the cornerstone of humankind, the golden nest, and the importance of the family in hum...
19-01-2021 08:10
16.01.2021 the city tournament on winter skiing Ekiden (ski relay) among fans of skiing Ekiden was held. The purpose of the tournament is to establish the principles of a healthy lifestyle, to attract...
"Патриот-өз елінің лайықты азаматы"
19-01-2021 08:07
Today in the 9 "D" class there was a class hour on the topic: Patriot is a worthy citizen of his country. The purpose of the class hour: fostering patriotic feelings, love, respect for their...
Онлайн- экскурсия в Дом музей Н.Г.Шафера
Онлайн- экскурсия в Дом музей Н.Г.Шафера
19-01-2021 08:05
On 13.01 an online excursion to the N.G.Shafer House Museum dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the professor, teacher, musicologist, composer, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhst...
"Морозные узоры"
14-01-2021 12:59
Pupil of the 3 E class Titkova Diana took part in the drawing competition on the theme "Frosty patterns"
"ZHAS DARYN - 2020"
14-01-2021 12:58
Pupil 4 "V" of class Turiy - Ladyko Platon, took part in the republican competition of scientific projects "ZHAS DARYN - 2020" and took 2nd place. Congratulations !!! Scientific ad...
" Менің 2020 жылғы жетістіктерім "
14-01-2021 12:55
Margarita Timokhina, a pupil of the 2 "Zh" grade, took 2nd place in the XV season of international distance competitions in the field of education, science, IT-technologies, art, music and s...
"Wheel of balance"
14-01-2021 12:53
During the winter holidays, in order to prevent emotional burnout, the psychologist N.V. Varga a training session was held for the school teachers. The exercise "Wheel of balance" teaches yo...
14-01-2021 12:49
At the republican olympiad "ULAR-2020" among 1 grades in the subject "Reading literacy" student 1 "A" class Kenzhebek Ailana was awarded for the 1st place. Congratulation...