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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140 012 Павлодар қ., Камзин көшесі, 346
+7(7182) 60-73-13 қабылдау бөлімі, +7(7182) 57-85-83 вахта, +7 (7182) 57‒70‒72 бухгалтерия
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
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Классный час, посвященный Дню Первого Президента
Классный час, посвященный Дню Первого Президента
30-11-2020 18:11
In the 2nd "D" class there was a class hour dedicated to the Day of the First President
"The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy"
30-11-2020 17:59
In the 5th "D" grade, there was a class hour on the topic "The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy". During the class hour, a video was shown, which reflects the...
Зорлық зомбылықсыз балалық шақ!
Зорлық зомбылықсыз балалық шақ!
26-11-2020 08:53
How important it is in a family to establish intra-family relationships so that every child feels protected and loved. After all, the family for every child is the cradle of happiness, joy and love. T...
"healthy lifestyle"
25-11-2020 21:28
16/11/2020 in "School 21" online specialist of the Center for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in Pavlodar region Turarova Anar Kasymovna held a lecture on "healthy lifestyle"...
"Development of functional literacy in preparation for international research PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS."
25-11-2020 12:03
On November 12, 2020, the Association of Teachers of Pavlodar region, organized by the Innovation Center for Education Development, held a seminar "Development of functional literacy in preparati...
25-11-2020 11:38
At the meeting of the MO "Polyglot", the teachers of the English language considered: the results of the 1st quarter, including the quality of knowledge in the gymnasium classes and classes...
«Отанның дыбыстары»
«Отанның дыбыстары»
25-11-2020 11:36
The music director conducted a quiz on the theme "Sounds of the Motherland". During the event, poems and songs about the Motherland were recited
В онлайн-режиме прошла встреча с известным спортсменом г.Павлодара Ефимовым Никитом Сергеевичем,
В онлайн-режиме прошла встреча с известным спортсменом г.Павлодара Ефимовым Никитом Сергеевичем,
25-11-2020 11:33
12.11.2020 in "School 21" an online meeting was held with the famous sportsman of Pavlodar, Efimov Nikit Sergeevich, head coach of the handball department of Pavlodar region, coach of the hi...
"I know myself"
25-11-2020 11:31
12.11.2020 at "School 21" in an online mode, the psychologist of the school Kenesbaeva Marina Kuatbekovna for minor students conducted an online personal growth training "I know myself&...
Students of grade 7
Students of grade 7 "D" made a fascinating journey through the Pavlodar Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. Potanin.
20-11-2020 09:45
Students of grade 7 "D" made a fascinating journey through the Pavlodar Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. Potanin. Children learned when the museum was founded, who was its founder,...
"Zhamanbalinov readings"
20-11-2020 09:43
Mukhamedzhanova Aizere, a student of 1 "A" class of our school Children's writer, poet, journalist was awarded for active participation in the online competition of masters of art readin...
" Жаманбалинов оқулары "
20-11-2020 09:39
Балалар жазушысы,ақын,журналист,Қазақ КСР -нің еңбегі сіңген мәдениет қайраткерім Мүбәрак Кәрімұлы Жаманбалиновтың Шығармашылын насихаттауға бағытталған қала мектептерінің бастауыш сыныптары оқушылары...
"Using Oxford University Press Resources in Distance Education"
20-11-2020 09:34
English teacher of secondary school # 21 Tleulenova Z.O. took part in the republican online webinar. The webinar is hosted by Oxford Iniversity Press. Topic: "Using Oxford University Press Resour...
"Development of functional literacy in preparation for international studies PISA, PIRLS, TIMS"
20-11-2020 09:32
Teachers of secondary school №21 took part in the regional seminar "Development of functional literacy in preparation for international studies PISA, PIRLS, TIMS", organized by the Innovatio...
"Effective use of resources of UMK Express Publishing in conditions of distance learning".
20-11-2020 09:30
Teachers of physics, chemistry, biology, informatics of secondary school №21 took part in the republican webinar "Effective use of resources of UMK Express Publishing in conditions of distance le...
"Abay Kunanbayev"
20-11-2020 09:25
On November 9, in the 5th "b" class there was a class hour "Abay Kunanbayev". All students took part.
Учителя самопознания СОШ 21 участвовали в городском семинаре учителей самопознания в рамках городской творческой группы учителей самопознания.
Учителя самопознания СОШ 21 участвовали в городском семинаре учителей самопознания в рамках городской творческой группы учителей самопознания.
20-11-2020 09:22
Teachers of self-knowledge of secondary school 21 participated in the city seminar of teachers of self-knowledge within the city creative group of teachers of self-knowledge. At the seminar, the quest...
In the 9th
In the 9th "V" grade School 21, a video conference "Video-tour of the college in Pavlodar." Students watched video clips of colleges, received useful information for themselves.
20-11-2020 09:19
In the 9th "V" grade School 21, a video conference "Video-tour of the college in Pavlodar." Students watched video clips of colleges, received useful information for themselves.
"The Convention on the Rights of the Child"
20-11-2020 09:13
In the 5th "V " grade there was a quiz game "The Convention on the Rights of the Child". The students got acquainted with the articles of the Convention, answered the questions of...
"Young Mathematicians"
20-11-2020 09:11
3 "B" class held a distance event on "Young Mathematicians". Students took an active part in the competition.