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"Regional branding"
19-11-2020 14:44
An overview of the educational hour for students of 5 A class "Regional branding". Purpose: to preserve the memory of individuals, to involve their homeland in research activities to identif...
Виртуалды хайуанаттар
Виртуалды хайуанаттар
19-11-2020 14:41
In 2nd ""L" grade school 21, the guys and I went to a virtual zoo, where we saw many rare animals. We discussed the question of why animals are becoming rare and came to the conclusion:...
"Travel to Ekostan"
19-11-2020 14:39
Pupil 6 "G" class of secondary school 21 Sobko Milana took part in the Republican ecological competition "Travel to Ekostan". Milana has created two photo collages in two genres: &...
Сынып сағатты
Сынып сағатты
19-11-2020 14:37
Nowadays, in the time of digital technologies, it is important to remember our friends - books. After all, they teach us to think. We admire our favorite characters, we want to be like them in some wa...
"Abai's way".
19-11-2020 14:33
Librarians introduced 11 "A" students online to the work of M. Auezov "Abai's way". Students read an excerpt from the novel.
"One profession out of a thousand"
19-11-2020 14:32
In 10 "A" "School 21" in the online mode, an event was held on the vocational guidance work "One profession out of a thousand", where pupils received answers to their que...
"Self-knowledge - pedagogy of love and creativity"
19-11-2020 14:27
Smolin David, student of 7 "D" class of secondary school №21 participates in the republican children's creative competition - the festival "Asyl zhurek", held by the RGKP NNPOO...
"Kazakhstan is my Motherland"
19-11-2020 14:11
Medvedeva-Baimova Marianna, a student of the 3rd "zh" grade, participates in the drawing competition "Kazakhstan is my Motherland"
"Family workshop"
19-11-2020 11:35
"Pupils of 1 "E" class of secondary school 21 Artemieva Milana and Bezushenko Mikhail, took part in the online exhibition of children's handicrafts "Family workshop"
"In the world of professions"
19-11-2020 09:37
Today, November 6, an online quiz on the topic "In the world of professions" was held in the 9th "V" grade. Ninth graders are on the path of independent life, before choosing a fut...
"Involving students in the process of active interaction in distance learning: promoting feedback, the role and place of dialogue in synchronous learning"
19-11-2020 09:34
Young specialists of secondary school №21 took part in the training "Involving students in the process of active interaction in distance learning: promoting feedback, the role and place of dialog...
"Center for Mental Health"
19-11-2020 08:16
As part of the plan of events dedicated to the International Day of Girls, girls of grades 7-8 at the secondary school on November 21, 3 and 5 listened to video lectures in the online format of psycho...
"Pupil of the 21st century"
19-11-2020 08:12
Pupil of 5 "d" class of secondary school 21 Kartashova Ulyana took 1st place in the international distance Olympiad "Pupil of the 21st century" autumn season -2020 in the subject o...
"Non-traditional drawing techniques"
09-11-2020 15:28
At 3 d class, during the autumn holidays, there was a creative workshop "Non-traditional drawing techniques. Plastinography" Bouquet of rowan berries "
"Child and Health"
09-11-2020 15:26
Psychologists of School No. 21 Kenesbaeva Marina Kuatbekovna and Varga Nadezhda Viktorovna took part in the project "Child and Health", implemented within the framework of grant funding &quo...
"Variety of forms of extracurricular activities - the way to effective educational work"
09-11-2020 15:23
Deputy directors for educational work Nurmagambetova G.M., Bazarbaeva A.S. took part in the online seminar "Variety of forms of extracurricular activities - the way to effective educational work&...
"Family workshop"
09-11-2020 15:21
Pupil 2 "D" class school 21 Filippova Polina, took part in the online exhibition of children's handicrafts "Family workshop"
2020-2021 оқу жылына арналған мектеп олимпиадасының қорытындылары
2020-2021 оқу жылына арналған мектеп олимпиадасының қорытындылары
09-11-2020 15:16
2020-2021 оқу жылына арналған мектеп олимпиадасының қорытындылары             № ФИО учащегося...