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email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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Safety precautions and rules of behavior for students during the autumn holidays.
Safety precautions and rules of behavior for students during the autumn holidays."
05-11-2020 12:54
Today, in the 9th grade, a class hour was held on the topic "Safety precautions and rules of behavior for students during the autumn holidays." Objectives: 1. study the safety rules of stude...
05-11-2020 12:51
21 schools 2 "A" class students Ramazan Alisher, Khamitova Aruzhan, Tulegen Arnur, Kabzhalelov Ablai, Nurumbek Nazly took 1st place in the International Distance Olympiad "Student of th...
"Pupil of the 21st century"
05-11-2020 12:48
Pupil 6 "D" class of secondary school 21 Kantanovich Danil took 3rd place at the international distance Olympiad "Pupil of the 21st century" autumn season -2020 on the subject of c...
"Safety on Autumn Holidays"
05-11-2020 12:43
On November 4, class 1 "V" class passed the class hour "Safety on Autumn Holidays". The students repeated the traffic rules, fire safety rules, rules of conduct on the street and i...
"Decade of Primary Classes"
05-11-2020 12:40
Adilova K. N. within the framework of the "Decade of Primary Classes", held an open lesson in natural science in the 2nd "A" class on the topic "Adaptation of animals".
oday, November 4, 2020, the best students of the school take part in the l round of the Republican Olympiad for schoolchildren.
oday, November 4, 2020, the best students of the school take part in the l round of the Republican Olympiad for schoolchildren.
04-11-2020 11:14
Today, November 4, 2020, the best students of the school take part in the l round of the Republican Olympiad for schoolchildren. The winners will become participants in the City Olympiad. We wish all...
"How a child should behave if you are lost"
03-11-2020 13:12
Pupils of 1 - 2 grades "School # 21" took part in an online conference on the topic "How a child should behave if you are lost" organized by the search volunteer group "Vita&q...
"Family Workshop"
03-11-2020 13:10
At the "School # 21" hosts the "Family Workshop" competition, in which takes part a student 2 "V" gradeTsyzdoev Viskhan
«Қазақстан Республикасының кейбір заңнамалық актілеріне сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл мәселелері бойынша өзгерістер мен толықтырулар енгізу туралы»
«Қазақстан Республикасының кейбір заңнамалық актілеріне сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл мәселелері бойынша өзгерістер мен толықтырулар енгізу туралы»
03-11-2020 13:06
2020 жылдың 6 қазанында Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті «Қазақстан Республикасының кейбір заңнамалық актілеріне сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл мәселелері бойынша өзгерістер мен толықты...
At school 21 on November 4, 2020, according to tradition, on the last day of the first quarter, the I round of the Republican Olympiad in subjects will be held.
At school 21 on November 4, 2020, according to tradition, on the last day of the first quarter, the I round of the Republican Olympiad in subjects will be held.
03-11-2020 12:58
At school 21 on November 4, 2020, according to tradition, on the last day of the first quarter, the I round of the Republican Olympiad in subjects will be held. We invite all interested students in gr...
"Brown Autumn"
02-11-2020 09:16
The city competition "Brown Autumn" dedicated to Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov has come to an end and the winners have been announced. The next day the poet S. We saw S. Toraighyrov's birthpl...
"Family Workshop"
02-11-2020 09:12
School # 21 hosts the "Family Workshop" competition, in which student 2 takes part "V" class Asylbekova Medina
"Autumn Dreams"
02-11-2020 09:09
Pupil 2 "k" class of secondary school 21 Yusifova Sabina became the owner of the Laureate Diploma of the lll degree in the international online art competition "Autumn Dreams" in S...
As part of vocational guidance education, grade 11
As part of vocational guidance education, grade 11 "B" students met online with representatives of InEU.
02-11-2020 09:02
As part of vocational guidance education, grade 11 "B" students met online with representatives of InEU. The children listened to the information of the Department of Agriculture and Bioreso...
From 19 to 25 October, the international football tournament
From 19 to 25 October, the international football tournament "Golden Autumn" among teenagers was held in Almaty.
02-11-2020 08:59
From 19 to 25 October, the international football tournament "Golden Autumn" among teenagers was held in Almaty. The tournament was attended by 16 teams from different cities of Kazakhstan:...
"Station of Experts"
02-11-2020 08:21
As part of the decade of primary grades, a lesson-competition "Station of Experts" was held among pupils of 4 "A" and 4 "B" classes.
"Sultanmakhmuttyk kogyr kuzi"
02-11-2020 08:17
Poet Sultanmakhmut. 1st place was taken by a 10th grade student of school No. 21 Kanapya Ainara, who took an active part in the city online competition of masters of artistic reading "Sultanmakhm...
The pupils of the 5 and 6 grades took an active part in the Republican distance Olympiad in English.
The pupils of the 5 and 6 grades took an active part in the Republican distance Olympiad in English.
02-11-2020 08:15
The pupils of the 5 and 6 grades took an active part in the Republican distance Olympiad in English. Tamerlan Muktubayev (a pupil of the 5 "B" grade) and Yana Pasenkova (a pupil of the 6 &qu...
"Pearls of self-discovery"
02-11-2020 08:12
Teachers of self-knowledge Mustafina Bayan Berdakhmetovna and Kenesbaeva Marina Kuatbekovbna took part in the national relay challenge "Pearls of self-discovery" , devoted to the citation of...
"Healthy lifestyle"
02-11-2020 08:05
In the 2nd "K" class of school # 21, a class hour was held on the topic "Healthy lifestyle", "Personal hygiene". The guys told how to follow the rules of health in order...