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email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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"Personal hygiene, self-confidence"
12-12-2019 10:18
At our school, lecturer Belimova N. from Procter & Gamble company held a lecture for girls of 7th grade on a healthy lifestyle "Personal hygiene, self-confidence"
Informational minute
Informational minute
12-12-2019 10:14
During the decade of the methodological association of teachers of History and Geography, students of the 9th and 11th grades presented an informational minute for students of the school. They talked about the features of Independence Day for each country and mportant dates of independent Kazakhstan.
International Startup Academy
International Startup Academy
11-12-2019 11:35
Today, 21 schools were visited by representatives of the International Startup Academy: the head Sapar Toksanov, project manager Rustam Kabden, Academy startup manager Asel Abdrakhmanova and Enactus captain Adlet Dautov. They presented theoretical material on the creation of startups, conducted trainings on team building and the development of critical thinking. Pupils of the school presented their startup ideas that arose during the training. Representatives of the International Startup Academy
Well done! Congratulations!
Well done! Congratulations!
11-12-2019 11:32
Pupils of school 21 performed in urban handball competitions among schoolchildren born in 2008. and younger, dedicated to the celebration of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Trainer T. Alekseenko They took 3rd place! Well done! Congratulations!
Prizewinners of the city subject Olympiad for schoolchildren
Prizewinners of the city subject Olympiad for schoolchildren
11-12-2019 11:22
Prizewinners of the city subject Olympiad for schoolchildren, students of Secondary School 21 Dzhaskayratova Dayana, Butenko Vladislav, Rakhimov Aidan.
Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
11-12-2019 11:18
Pupils of 21 schools, participants of the city subject Olympiad of schoolchildren. Congratulations! Well done!
"Nature-priceless gift"
09-12-2019 16:55
Students 6 "V" class within the project's self-knowledge "Nature-priceless gift" prepared book for students 1 class. Itself, they called environmental five. The authors of the book: Balkoeva Kamila Musalinova Linara Pflyug Sergey Solyanik Jaroslav Steblyukov Maxim Students in grade 6 prepared this book in tribute and recognition for grade 1, students of their first teacher Getman Natalia Vladimirovna. Self-knowledge teacher Kenesbaeva Marina Kuatbekovna.
09-12-2019 16:50
On the sixth International competition of choreography "Bi bala" dance group "Shaby`t" took the first place! Head Ajsina Aliya Yaminovna. Congratulations!!
09-12-2019 16:47
The student 2 "V" class MOSEI YANA and LITOVKINA MILANA became the winners 2 degree in the competition "ROSES of KAZAKHSTAN" Participants were from all cities of Kazakhstan and Russia. Congratulations!
09-12-2019 16:37
In the city was held Republican championship sports the gym.Student 2 "V" class of Begel`dinov Maxim, took 2 place for the second youth the discharge. Congratulations!
09-12-2019 16:27
On behalf of the Pavlodar city branch of the Nur Otan party, we express our sincere gratitude to Zhanar Niyazbekovna Shuakbaeva for her active participation in the implementation of the constructive policy of the head of state, party chairman Nursultan Nazarbayev, participation in the fulfillment of the party's program goals and objectives, as well as for active civic activism.
09-12-2019 16:19
In the "Wind Roses" competition, Sabina Yusifova, a student of the 1st "K" class, was awarded the 1st degree laureate. Congratulations!!!
6g grade had an unusual lesson yesterday
6g grade had an unusual lesson yesterday
09-12-2019 16:16
6g grade had an unusual lesson yesterday. Karina Mironova invited her cousin to visit our school.Sophina was born in America. She lives in Panama City, state Florida, so she is a native speaker. The pupils asked her some questions about the life and studies in America. Keeping in touch with a native speaker seems to be a great idea. Sophina will become our penpal soon.
 Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
09-12-2019 15:41
06.12.2019 g students GU "SOSH 21" took part in city competitions in winter military-applied sports " ZHAS SARBAZ."Kartashov Ilya and Demin Yegor took 1st place in the pull-up. Congratulations! Well done!
06-12-2019 11:23
A student 10 “A” class of 21st school, Kuatova Dilnaz received a First Degree Diploma and a Medal for 1st place in the Olympics in the specialty “State and local government” for students of schools in the city and region, organized by the Department of Management and Political Science of the S. Toraighyrov Palodar State University . History teacher Esmakaeva Gulmira Bolatovna was awarded a letter of thanks for the excellent achievements of students.
"Сhoice of profession"
06-12-2019 10:58
In 1 "j "class was a class hour on "choice of profession".
Open day
Open day
05-12-2019 16:33
Students of 6th grades visited Nazarbayev Intellectual school. The acquaintance was held within the framework of the open day. Children were presented master classes, demonstrated various scientific experiments, shown national historical household items. The guys left under the impression of the school and its life, promising to return there as students.
"Whom to be?"
05-12-2019 16:28
5.12.2019 1"L" class was invited to a class hour on the theme "Whom to be?" our parents.Pochinok Sergey Fedorovich Director of LLP "Incomcompany" told the students of the first class about the secrets of energy.Yantsen Elena Sergeevna professional master salons-Studio HAIR & NAILS plunged the guys into the world of beauty and magic.
We wish you further victories!
We wish you further victories!
05-12-2019 16:23
The pupil of our school Dotsenko Daniil, 7"g" class is engaged in section of Cycling of Pavlodar. Daniel takes an active part in regional and city competitions in Cycling, where occupies prize-winning places. We wish you further victories!
05-12-2019 16:20
At the end of the decade of primary classes among the classes of the 2nd parallel, an extracurricular event "KVN" was organized by the primary school teacher Alpyspaeva Zh. a. during the game, children actively participated in solving problems, puzzles. Thus instilling in children an interest in the ability, developing thinking, memory, wit. At the end of the game the guys wished each other to be friendly, skillful!