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email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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"Proper nutrition-the key to health"
05-12-2019 16:17
Methodical Association "Baldauren" held in 4 "B" class extracurricular event on the theme: "Proper nutrition-the key to health". During the event, the topics of proper and improper nutrition and its impact,vitamins, basic rules of proper nutrition were discussed. "If I'm a cook in the school cafeteria..."- on this topic, the students shared their opinion.
“Good exists where it is constantly being created”
“Good exists where it is constantly being created”
04-12-2019 11:19
“Good exists where it is constantly being created” by V. Gzhelik. In the framework of the decade of elementary grades, a competition of creative drawings “Do good!” Was held. The action was held under the motto “To believe in goodness, you need to start doing it!” Students in grades 1-4 took an active part, an exhibition of children's works was organized.
Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
04-12-2019 11:15
Pupils of our school Asylkhanova Dayana, Savich Daria performed as part of the Irtysh basketball club in the republican competitions among girls born in 2004 and younger. Basketball club "Irtysh" took 3rd place. Congratulations! Well done!
The pupils of the 6g grade celebrate their classmates' birthdays
The pupils of the 6g grade celebrate their classmates' birthdays
04-12-2019 11:10
The pupils of the 6g grade celebrate their classmates' birthdays. At the end of November they congratulated those who was born in autumn. The children had a great time.
The pupils of 6g grade went to see
The pupils of 6g grade went to see "The Ice fest show"
04-12-2019 11:07
Winter is a beautiful season. It's the time when you can play snowballs, go skiing and skating. The pupils of 6g grade went to see "The Ice fest show". They enjoyed the performance. The children would like to go skating.
Tournament among beginner chess players
Tournament among beginner chess players
03-12-2019 09:13
On November 29, a tournament among beginner chess players was held at 21 schools.
Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
03-12-2019 09:08
Teachers of our school took the 2nd place in city competitions in volleyball among schools of Pavlodar, devoted to celebration of Day of the First President. Congratulations! Well done!
 Public lesson
Public lesson
03-12-2019 09:05
In OSH 21 during ten days of primary classes in 2 "A" class in the Kazakh language held an open lesson on the topic: "Narrative sentence".Students with interest performed tasks in groups, in pairs and individually.
Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
03-12-2019 09:01
Pupils of our school took the 3rd place in city competitions in basketball among 2007 year of birth and younger, devoted to celebration of Day of the First President. Congratulations! Well done!
"Modern lesson. Lessons of Elbasy Leadership"
29-11-2019 14:33
29/11/2019 at the State School "Secondary School 21" was held the Unified Republican Hour "Modern lesson. Lessons of Elbasy Leadership". At a single lesson was attended by a deputy of the city maslikhat Zhelnov MI
29-11-2019 14:28
A student of our school Balcueva Milan took 1st place in the International competition "Rose of Kazakhstan."
"Zhas Ulan" and "Zhas kyran"
28-11-2019 19:13
Today at GU "Secondary School No. 21" a ceremony was held for admission to the ranks of JUDO "Zhas Ulan" and "Zhas kyran" dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the First President.
4 "V" class
28-11-2019 19:11
Team 4 "V" class "Fidget" took 1st place in the quiz "All about everything" within the decade of MO " Ainalayn"
1 "L" class
28-11-2019 19:08
So I, along with my wonderful 6-year-olds, students of 1 "L" class, held my first open lesson. The children showed their knowledge at the math lesson on the topic "Translational property of addition". I want to thank my small, but already organized, disciplined, willing to learn students! Good luck and victories, my first graders!
2 "Zh" klass
28-11-2019 19:04
Today, in the 2 "Zh" grade, an open lesson in mathematics was held on the topic: Problem Solving. In the lesson, the children went on an exciting journey to collect treasures. Active methods were used in the lesson. Children worked in groups, in pairs and on their own. All tasks were aimed at the development of logical thinking. And the use of a differentiated approach contributed to the achievement of goals by all students in the lesson. The guys worked hard!
28-11-2019 19:02
Alikhan Serik, 5th grade pupil of 21st school, was awarded a diploma for participation in the regional scientific-practical conference "My Motherland - Kazakhstan" dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
28-11-2019 19:00
A student of grade 3 of the school of Shingazhinov Jean was awarded a diploma for participating in the regional scientific-practical conference "My Homeland-Kazakhstan" dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head: Ibraeva Kamilya Ramazanovna
28-11-2019 18:58
A pupil of the 3rd grade of the 21st school of Turiy-Ladyko Platon was awarded a diploma for participating in the regional scientific and practical conference "My Homeland-Kazakhstan" dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head: Ibraeva Kamilya Ramazanovna
1 klass
1 klass
28-11-2019 18:55
As part of the decade of primary classes on November 27, 2019, among the students of the first grades of school No. 21, a competition of readers was held. Children with inspiration read the works of poets of Kazakhstan about our great Motherland.
 “To value friendship as a friend”
“To value friendship as a friend”
27-11-2019 13:36
In the 2nd “D” class, a training lesson “To value friendship as a friend” was held. The children grew a tree of application, solved the rebus, composed proverbs about friends in Kazakh and Russian.