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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140 012 Павлодар қ., Камзин көшесі, 346
+7(7182) 60-73-13 қабылдау бөлімі, +7(7182) 57-85-83 вахта, +7 (7182) 57‒70‒72 бухгалтерия
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
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Attaboy! Congratulations!
Attaboy! Congratulations!
26-10-2019 10:21
At the Republican competitions in running in Borovoye, the student of the 9 "D" class Ehrlich Arianna took the 7th place among 300 athletes from all over the Republic.Attaboy! Congratulations! We wish you further victories!
"Do good"
26-10-2019 10:18
Students of 3" B "class Amangeldi Azat and Ramazan Nargiz actively participate in the action "Do good".
"Golden ball"
26-10-2019 10:16
Congratulations to Timur Akhmetzyanov and Kaiyrgelda Bakytzhan for the 1st place in the open city mini-football tournament "Golden ball".
26-10-2019 10:13
The Best MENTOR medal was awarded to Gulnar Telmanovna Ualieva, whose pupil Zholdsby Ansar received the Grand Prix at the Mega Fest KZ choreography and vocal competition on October 20, 2019. in the city of Nursultan. Congratulations!
"Mega fest"
21-10-2019 17:06
Grand Prix at the international competition of choreography and vocals "Mega fest kz", held on 20.10.209 in the city of Nursultan, received students of 5 " a " class Zholdasbay Ansar.Greetings!
Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
21-10-2019 17:02
In Omsk (Russia), the international hockey tournament "Challenge Cup." Our physical education teacher Rodkin Viktor Aleksandrovich spoke for the amateur hockey team of Pavlodar. Team took 3rd place! Congratulations! Well done!
19-10-2019 09:39
On October 18, 2019, the city competition of Esentai Erbotin readings was held at the Museum named after Bukhar Zhyrau. The competition was attended by a student of grade 4 “B” of school No. 21 Ayana Saydullaev, who went to the semifinals. WE CONGRATULATE primary school teachers G. Rakisheva, who prepared the student.
“Countering Modern Religious Extremism and Terrorism”
“Countering Modern Religious Extremism and Terrorism”
19-10-2019 09:36
18/10/2019 a seminar entitled “Countering Modern Religious Extremism and Terrorism”. The seminar under the leadership of the head of the Department of Rehabilitation of Victims of Religious Extremism of the Central Analysis and Development of Interfaith Relations of Management and Social Development in Pavlodar Region A. Abitova During the event, students ask questions of interest to them and receive answers to them.
Fire escape training
Fire escape training
19-10-2019 09:27
On October 18, 2019, educational evacuation on the occasion of old age in schools was carried out in the State Institution “Secondary School No. 21. The event was held with the aim of practical...
“Determining the price of the division of the beaker. Measurement of body volume of the used form
“Determining the price of the division of the beaker. Measurement of body volume of the used form".
19-10-2019 09:17
Pupils of the 7th “V” class with special interest performed their own laboratory work today on the topic: “Determining the price of the division of the beaker. Measurement of body volume of the used form".
“Healthy Eating”
“Healthy Eating”
19-10-2019 09:12
Today in the 4th “V” classroom there was a class hour and an exhibition of drawings on the theme “Healthy Eating”.
“Give a bird house”
“Give a bird house”
16-10-2019 17:06
Every year, according to tradition, our school holds an action “Give a bird house”. Educational institutions, together with their parents, fashioned and ruin birdhouses.
“Clean City”
“Clean City”
16-10-2019 17:03
Ulanbasy, school student 9 “D” class Sharipova Kamila and assistant Spainov Mertas took part in the “ECO Challenge” “Clean City”, which was organized by the Schoolchildren's Palace and the regional headquarters of the Jas Ulan.
“Kind, Responsive Heart”
“Kind, Responsive Heart”
16-10-2019 17:00
Pupils of our school, as part of the “Kind, Responsive Heart” Campaign, led by teachers of self-knowledge, visited Mom’s House, brought toys and things to the children. Children and staff expressed great gratitude for the attention and gifts.
Well done!
Well done!
11-10-2019 17:02
The football teams of our school, who won 1 and 2 places in football in regional and city competitions. Well done! Congratulations!
“Ecological One Hour”
“Ecological One Hour”
11-10-2019 15:28
“Ecological One Hour” was announced throughout the region, with the goal of promoting greening of nature. Students in grades 1 planted an “Alley of first graders”.
"Taza Kazakhstan"
11-10-2019 15:25
Everyone did what he could, With difficulty we are very friends In this school we live And here the order is needed! Under this motto, students 3 "d" and 3 "e" took an active part in the "Taza Kazakhstan" campaign.
Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
11-10-2019 15:22
On 10.10.2019, a city futsal tournament was held among schoolchildren 12 years old and younger, dedicated to the memory of Pavlodar football veteran Klopkov Alexander Alexandrovich. The national team of our school took 1st place! Congratulations! Well done!
"Healthy psyche: a happy and successful personality"
11-10-2019 15:15
10/10/2019. World Mental Health Day. At school, the psychologist of the psychological service of Pavlodar Glotova EA An interactive lesson "Healthy psyche: a happy and successful personality" was held with students in grade 9.
11-10-2019 14:41
Student of 8 "V" grade SOSH 21 took lll place in the city junior physics olympiad. Congratulations!!!