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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140 012 Павлодар қ., Камзин көшесі, 346
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
In a year
In a month
In a week
24-11-2022 10:41
According to the methodological plan of the Department of Education, a meeting of the city creative group on the compilation of competence-oriented tasks based on the International TIMSS program was h...
22-11-2022 09:13
Elementary school students took an active part in the city Math Olympiad and won prizes. 4th grade student Lukyanchikova Evelina and 3rd grade student Kitaygora Artem took 1st place, 2nd grade student...
 «Apps on the go»
«Apps on the go»
21-11-2022 10:49
In accordance with the English decade, a young specialist, an English teacher, Madina Armanovna Levadnaya held an open lesson in grade 10B on the topic “Apps on the go”. During the class,...
"Children's Rights-Human Rights"
18-11-2022 09:45
As part of the Republican Decade "Children's Rights-Human Rights", a number of events were held in the library from November 10-20, where students participated in a quiz, guessed riddles...
Parents' meetings in the form of
Parents' meetings in the form of "Open doors" were organized and held in Secondary School No. 21
18-11-2022 09:40
Parents' meetings in the form of "Open doors" were organized and held in Secondary School No. 21. Parents were introduced to the results of the 1st quarter with open meetings with subjec...
"Education in the family"
18-11-2022 09:37
In the 4th "Z" class, a parent-teacher meeting "Education in the family" was held.Parents were also able to ask questions and get recommendations from subject teachers.
Color week begins
Color week begins
14-11-2022 10:55
We would like yo remind you about colour week which begins November, 14. On Monday let's wear something blue, on Tuesday - red, on Wednesday - green, on Thursday - orange and on Friday - yellow. Y...
«Рухани жаңғыру»
«Рухани жаңғыру»
10-11-2022 09:20
On 09.11.22, an extracurricular lesson was held with students of the 11th grade within the framework of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru". We talked about honesty and humanity in the context of...
Within the decade of the English language
Within the decade of the English language
10-11-2022 09:13
Today, as part of the decade of the English language, Teacher Sapargalieva R.A. held an open lesson in the 6 “V” grade on the topic Geographical features. Geographical features. The lesson...
"Curious Stagecoach"
04-11-2022 10:31
Today in the 7”E” grade an interesting business game on local history "Curious Stagecoach" took place. The class teacher is Lyudmila Sergeevna Tereikovskaya. Each group of childr...
"Quest Room"
04-11-2022 10:21
Students of the 7”V” grade spend their autumn holidays with interest. The new entertainment format "Guest Room" really attracted the guys: emotions, adrenaline and solving comple...
04-11-2022 10:16
The “Young Soldier” team of Secondary School No. 21 is awarded for winning the city competition "Heroic Daughter of the Kazakh - Manshuk" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of th...
"Reading Nation - Reading School"
04-11-2022 10:11
In accordance with the implementation plan of the project "Reading Nation - Reading School", a meeting of the creative group of English language teachers was held. At which methods and techn...
04-11-2022 10:06
Congratulations to student 2 "V" class of Riana Botvinko, winner of the regional round of the republican research competition "Zerde". Project мanager Kamilya Ramazanovna Ibraeva....
01-11-2022 11:46
Congratulations to the winners and prize-winners of the city stage of the republican competition of research projects: 1st place - Chingiz Sapargaliev, Nikolay Sekerzhitsky, Nurbolat Sarsenbek ; 2nd p...
01-11-2022 11:41
According to the results of the city stage of the republican competition of research projects, the team of "Secondary School No. 21 in Pavlodar" took the 2nd team place! We express our grati...
"Дәуір тудырған талант.."
28-10-2022 16:36
Бүгін балалар М.Жаманбалинов атындағы балалар кітапханасында жазушы Жұмағали Сайынның 110 жылдығына орай "Дәуір тудырған талант.." атты шараға қатысты.
«Қауіпсіздік техникасы»
«Қауіпсіздік техникасы»
28-10-2022 16:32
3 «З» сыныбында «Қауіпсіздік техникасы» атты сынып сағаты өтті
"Қаламыздың тарихындағы отбасы тарихы"
26-10-2022 11:52
Павлодар қаласы №21 жалпы орта білім беру мектебінің 3"А" сынып оқушысы Турсунова Данеля "Қаламыздың тарихындағы отбасы тарихы" қашықтықтан қалалық байқауында белсенді қатысты.
"Қаламыздың тарихындағы отбасы тарихы"
26-10-2022 11:48
Павлодар қаласы №21 жалпы орта білім беру мектебінің 3"А" сынып оқушысы Жиенбекова Фариза "Қаламыздың тарихындағы отбасы тарихы" қашықтықтан қалалық байқауында мультимедиа номинаци...