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Trilingual - the modern demands
25-04-2017 10:30
Trilingual - the modern demands

   Any conversation value and relevance to the topic raised, mainly those known to be estimated according to the level of the opening theme. So is the problem, the roots of our conversation - trilingual.
   A comprehensive study of the subject of the opinion of the President, many linguists, scientists, public figures, based on a reasoned opinion.
School N 37 secondary education 10 "A" grade student Şaymenova Adelïya and English language teacher Sadykova Dinara Bauyrzhankyzy "Pavlodar of   Kazakhstan met with the editor of the" regional teleradïosınıñ. The theme of the meeting "trinity" the importance of the program. Şaymenova Adelïya English language and his attitude to the subject in English and in the language of Kazakh. Trilingual in the future is very important.