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Excursion to the museum of Mayra Shamsutdinova
05-02-2018 07:17
 Excursion to the museum of Mayra Shamsutdinova

On February 1, 2018, pupils of the 6th grade B visited the House-Museum of the songwriting of the Kazakh composer and folk singer Maira Ualievna Shamsutdinova.
It was opened in 2001 in a house-monument of architecture of the early XX century. The museum acquainted students with the life and work of the famous singer and composer. The museum's exposition is located in 2 rooms.
Here are documents and photos that reflect the life and creative path of the singer. Along with the photos, the museum displays such exhibits as a plaque with an inscription that hung on the corner of the house of the merchant Kystaubayev, where Maira lived (Lenin street, 167), the accordion "Talyanka". Of particular interest to students are Myra's personal belongings: a large bowl, a red silk shaped.
In the second hall of the museum's exposition there was reconstructed the interior of the room of the 1920s. The central place in the interior is occupied by original exhibits: a combined iron bed with bedding and curtains (shymyldyk) handmade. The children were pleased with the excursion.