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Journey through the ancient world
15-02-2019 15:08
Journey through the ancient world
February 15 in the framework of the subject week of Humanities on the history of the ancient world history teacher school №27 Shokanova Zh. T. held an intellectual competition on "Journey through the ancient world" in three Parallels 5 "A", 5 " B "and 5" in " classes  
The purpose of the week was the development of cognitive interest of students, increasing interest in the study of history. Formation of creative abilities.                                                                                                                                                 The week of history is not an entertainment for students, but a form of organization of extracurricular activities, which should be associated with the main program course of study, deepen, Supplement it and thereby increase the level of education of students, promote their development, expand their horizons.
The contest-game was held in an entertaining and interesting form "Own game". Questions and answers to the tasks were presented at the presentation in a colorful form. Each of the teams quickly and accurately answered the questions of the crossword puzzle that had to be confirmed by their knowledge.  Quick recognition of images in the illustrations, lightning-fast answers to oral questions sparked teams. Also at the end of the event the guys prepared homework to improvise a scene on "Primitive man from the past" Knowledge showed quite high, but in the first place were the guys from 5 " a " class and took I place,    II place was taken by 5 " B "and III place was taken by 5" B " this event was interesting, informative for children. Taking into account the opinion of students, they liked the game moments, competitions, relaxed atmosphere and positive attitude to each other.