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Bright moments of school life
26-04-2019 11:03
Bright moments of school life
In the framework of the school project "Bright moments of school life" in the period from 22.04 to 24.04 among students of 2nd-10th grades was a competition-presentation "Fair of professions".  This competition was held in order to implement the program "Tarbie Zhane Bilim", the basic direction "Olketanu", the project " World of professions»      
The purpose of the competition: to acquaint students with different types of professions; to show the importance of work in human life; to educate respect and kindness to people of different professions.
1. To summarize the knowledge of students about professions.
2. Prepare students for the choice of profession.
3. Formation of artistic and creative activity of students.
Forms of work: competition-presentation.
Each class team demonstrated a representation of any profession in any form. In the view of students revealed the relationship between education and the chosen profession, provides information about the role of the profession in society, working conditions and the importance of its results.  The criteria of evaluation of the competition were: creativity, richness of speech, mass character, culture of appearance, originality of speech.       
The competition was attended by 320 students of 2-10th grades
Information about the competition is available on the website of the school, Instagram network.