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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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Қазақтың көрнекті ағартушысы, публицист Міржақып Дулатұлының өмірі мен қызметінен қызықты деректер
Қазақтың көрнекті ағартушысы, публицист Міржақып Дулатұлының өмірі мен қызметінен қызықты деректер
25-12-2020 15:47
Interesting facts from the life and work of a prominent Kazakh enlightener, publicist Mirzhakyp Dulatuly 1. Mirzhakyp Dulatuly came from the Middle Horde, the Argyn clan, from 2 years old he lost his...
Как создать в семье благожелательный настрой
Как создать в семье благожелательный настрой
25-12-2020 15:36
To maintain a favorable climate in the family, the communicative sphere of life must be maintained at the proper level. Communication between parents and children is an important point in giving your...
"Жасөспірімдердегі дағдарыс жағдайларының алдын- алу және жеңу"
25-12-2020 15:29
December 21 in remote mode by the Department of Education Pavlodar region and the Innovation Center for Education Development held a regional seminar on the topic "Prevention and overcoming of c...
Волонтер жылы
Волонтер жылы
25-12-2020 15:27
On 12/21/2020, a city forum was held online, dedicated to the completion of the "Year of the Volunteer." The forum was attended by the deputy director for educational work Shuakbayeva Zh.N.,...
25-12-2020 15:16
Pupils of GU "SOSH 21" Victoria Kostenko and Kristina Kostenko took part in the regional online tournament in serke tart, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kos...
"Magic transformations"
25-12-2020 15:10
Pupil 2 K class GU SOSH # 21 Ilyin Leonid took part in the action "Workshop of Santa Claus" "Magic transformations". Prepared a New Year's toy.
"Cafe for birds"
25-12-2020 15:06
Pupil 2 K class GU SOSH # 21 Telepova Takhmina took part in the action "Cafe for birds". This action is aimed at instilling a love of nature, a careful and caring attitude towards birds, as...
Congratulations to our winners !!!
Congratulations to our winners !!!
25-12-2020 14:59
Students of secondary school 21 took part in the Republican Olympiad in subjects among schoolchildren of grades 5-6 and became its winners: ABDUKHAIB KAZYBEK - lll place in the Russian language, teach...
Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік күнімен құттықтаймыз!
Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік күнімен құттықтаймыз!
16-12-2020 13:00
Құрметті әріптестер! Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік күнімен құттықтаймыз! Тәуелсіздік күні-әрбір қазақстандық үшін айтулы мереке. Бұл біздің ортақ Отанымыздың бостандығының, әл-ауқатының және...
"Қалдықтарды кіріске айналдыр"
16-12-2020 12:11
Pupil 3 "V" class, BEGELDINOV MAXIM, became a participant in the contest "Turn waste into income"
Встреча с Ибрагимовым Мамедом Пашаевичем
Встреча с Ибрагимовым Мамедом Пашаевичем
16-12-2020 12:09
On the eve of Independence Day, an online meeting was held with Ibragimov Mamed Pashayevich - international master of sports, bronze medalist of the Asian Games (Korea); a participant in the Olympic G...
Классный час
Классный час
16-12-2020 12:08
1 " Г " сыныбында Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздік күніне арналған сынып сағаты өтті.
Выявление и развитие способностей ребенка – это одна из важнейших задач, которая ложится на плечи родителей.
Выявление и развитие способностей ребенка – это одна из важнейших задач, которая ложится на плечи родителей.
09-12-2020 18:50
Identifying and developing the child's abilities is one of the most important tasks that falls on the shoulders of parents. This issue must be approached with great responsibility and care, so as...
"Caution, ice!"
09-12-2020 18:48
A class hour was held in 2 K and 3 D grades of GU SOSH # 21, on the topic "Caution, ice!" The guys discussed the rules for staying in reservoirs in the winter season. And that you need to sp...
My flag
My flag
09-12-2020 18:43
Pupils of grade 3A Saparova Kamelia, Serikbay Imanali took part in the action "My flag".
03-12-2020 09:53
Spiritual and moral education, manifested in activities and behavior, based on relations between people, instilling the main values ​​is one of the tasks of the modern school. Today under the motto: &...
"Қорқудың қажеті жоқ, білу керек"
03-12-2020 09:51
In the 6th "D" class, there was a class hour on HIV-AIDS prevention on the topic: "You don't need to be afraid, you need to know"! The children studied the causes of the diseas...
"Менің туым"
03-12-2020 09:48
Pupil 3 "G" class GU SOSH # 21 Tronin Artyom took part in the action "Menin Tuym"
AIDS is a mortal threat to humanity
AIDS is a mortal threat to humanity
03-12-2020 09:35
In the 5th "G" class, a class hour was held on the topic "AIDS is a mortal threat to humanity."
"The path of the First President of Kazakhstan"
30-11-2020 18:17
In the 3rd "G" class of secondary school # 21, a class hour was held on the topic: "The path of the First President of Kazakhstan". The ideas of all objects belong to the President...