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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
In a year
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"The best methodological and didactic allowance 2020"
01-04-2020 12:27
16 teachers of secondary school No. 21 became the winners of the city contest "The best methodological and didactic allowance 2020" as part of creative groups: teachers of the Kazakh languag...
27-03-2020 10:15
A student of 6" A "class of school # 21 Zhumazhan Nuray became the winner of the international competition "Abay murasy - kazaktyn kasiyetti kazynasy", dedicated to the 175th anniv...
Students in grade 5
Students in grade 5 "V" do not waste time in spring break.
27-03-2020 09:44
Students in grade 5 "V" do not waste time in spring break. Children read fiction books with interest, solve cognitive crosswords and puzzles.
“Folk Instruments”
“Folk Instruments”
27-03-2020 09:40
Shegebay Nazym, a student of grade 8 B, began the challenge “Folk Instruments”. She spent the weekend with her nephew and taught him to play dombra. In addition, she likes to play puzzle g...
 Congratulations !!!
Congratulations !!!
26-03-2020 18:19
A student of class 2 "V", Egor Ananyev,was awarded a DIPLOMA of the 2ND DEGREE, for high performance in the REPUBLICAN OLYMPIAD in mathematics. Egor good luck to you and your next victories!...
"Best SMART lesson"
26-03-2020 18:16
Computer science teacher SOSH#21 Kairdenova Nazgul Aldangorovna won the nomination "Best SMART lesson" in the city competition "the Best lesson in the conditions of multilingualism...
"Pedagogical ideas"
26-03-2020 12:58
Gulmira Bolatovna ESMAKAYEVA, a history and geography teacher of SOSH21, was awarded an ll degree In the "Educational work" category of the "Pedagogical ideas" contest, which was h...
25-03-2020 16:52
Қашықтықтан оқыту бойынша сұрақтар туындайтын кезде мектепте байланыс орталығы жұмыс атқарады. Телефон нөмірі 60-73-13 60-83-50. Жұмыс уақыты дүйсенбі-жұма сағат 9:00-ден 18:00 дейін. 13:00-ден 14:00...
23-03-2020 20:15
КОРОНАВИРУСҚА ҚАРСЫ ЭЛЕКТРОНДЫ ОҚУЛЫҚТАР.  Достар, біз "Алматыкітап"электрондық оқулықтарын пайдалану бойынша қарапайым қадамдар жарияладық. Аталған ақпаратты сақтау, себебі бұл оқушыларға оқуға тура келеді алдағы уақытта үйден шықпай-ақ.
Демалыс кезінде және карантин жағдайында Сізге төменде келтірілген білім беру ресурстары пайдалы болады.
Демалыс кезінде және карантин жағдайында Сізге төменде келтірілген білім беру ресурстары пайдалы болады.
20-03-2020 14:26
Достар! Демалыс кезінде және карантин жағдайында Сізге төменде келтірілген білім беру ресурстары пайдалы болады. ⤵️ БАРЛЫҒЫНА: 1. «Coursera» — жаппай онлайн-білім беру саласындағы жоба.С...
20-03-2020 13:48
Students of 9" V "class of SOSH#21 launch their "Bookchellenge". We all know that various lists of books that everyone should read are now popular. Let's make our own list of b...
"The best methodological and teaching manual-2020"
20-03-2020 13:35
The teacher of history at school 21, Ospanova Asiya Bayakhmetovna took 1st place in the city competition "The best methodological and teaching manual-2020". Congratulations !!! We wish you f...
20-03-2020 13:22
Shishlov Maxim Ivanovich, a history teacher at school 21, took 1st place in the city competition "Best Methodological and Didactic Aid-2020", developing the guide "Guide to the Sacred P...
Quiz on traffic rules was held
Quiz on traffic rules was held
13-03-2020 08:10
In School no. 21 , In order to strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules and prevent child traffic injuries among schoolchildren for grades 1-4, a conversation and quiz on traffic rules was...
"Ult meiramy"
13-03-2020 08:06
March 12, 2020 School no. 21 according to the plan of the week of Kazakh language and literature " ATAMEKEN" In the 6th "A" class there was an open lesson on the Kaz...
" Take care of your eyes"
13-03-2020 08:03
On March 12, 2020, school # 21 within the framework of the decade of the Kazakh language and literature in the 5th"In" class held an open lesson on the theme" Take care of your eyes&quo...
The week of the Kazakh language and literature
The week of the Kazakh language and literature
13-03-2020 07:59
On March 12, 2020, in the Museum of School 21, within the framework of the week of the Kazakh language and literature, ceremonies of the Kazakh people were shown: shashu, ,yrқynan shyғaru, besikke sal...
12-03-2020 14:49
On March 11, 2020 the opening of the "Atameken" Week in the Kazakh language and literature took place in the School # 21. At the opening there was a "Tilek" tree, one of the nation...
“Collection of tasks of open and closed type in geography”
“Collection of tasks of open and closed type in geography”
11-03-2020 07:23
The educational-methodical manual “Collection of tasks of open and closed type in geography” of the school #21 teacher of history and geography Esmakaeva GB registered with ISBN...
Blitz chess tournament
Blitz chess tournament
06-03-2020 14:26
Blitz chess tournament among grades 4-8 dedicated to International Women's Day. 1st place was taken by a student of the 6th grade Suleimenov Nurlan. 2nd place 6th grade student Serik Alikhan. 3rd...