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“The flag of valor is the flag of the country”
13-12-2022 09:33
“The flag of valor is the flag of the country”
On December 12, 2022, an interview-conversation dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, on the topic “The flag of valor is the flag of the country”, was held in the library with students of grade 9 “A”. Purpose: to have an open conversation about the country's current achievements compared to its past. In the course of a free discussion, students read the instructive words of A. Baitursynov, A. Bokeikhanov, S. Toraigyrov, M. Alimbaev, M. Zhumabaev.
A 6th grade student, Zhumazhan Arnur, as a representative of the future generation of an independent country, played kuy for the guests.
  We believe that the younger generation of Kazakhstan will be highly educated, well-mannered, purposeful, and hold the flag of the country firmly and proudly high.