Dear Gulzhan Shayakhmetovna!
Dear staff of the Department of education of Pavlodar!
On behalf of GU SOSH №30 of the education Department, we cordially congratulate You happy birthday.Pavlodar!
In modern...
On January 5, 2018 in the 8th G class, for the purpose of employment of students during vacation time, as well as within the framework of the program "Ruhani Zhahiru", a lesson of decorative and applied art "Kazakh National Ornaments"
№30 JOM "Welcome, New Year!" a festive event. Different games, flashmobs and beautiful songs sounded on New Year's Eve. The event ended with New Year's party
On December 28, a New Year tree was held at 6 "B" class. Kulikova Eva and Madenov Daniel took an active part in the celebration of the New Year holiday.
In the winter holidays, January 4, 2018 at 8 "G" class in the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" was held the lesson using ICT-presentation on the theme "the Sacred places of Pavlodar region".
New Year is a time of magic, smiles and happiness. On this holiday everyone can believe in a fairy tale, plunge into the atmosphere of something unusual, mysterious, fascinating and, undoubtedly, unforgettable
In a new union tradition in New Year 's trade union №30, recruiters are rewarded with a gift of "a strawberry". The collective was pronounced for the novelty stigmatization and pesni to get a nice gift. At the end of the fun, the friendly chorus of the elms.
The graduate school №30 under the guidance of the tutor IZO and technology Toleubay Saule Kayyrbekov was a member of the contest "Mir Zhivotniy" and "The Waltz New Year" in the Republican contest, where the following results were summarized:
New year is the most magical, beautiful, most mysterious and cheerful holiday! Since the beginning of December, preparations for the holiday: outdoor garlands were decorated, the town grew in the tree, light the Christmas lights on the Windows of shops.
To celebrate the Independence Day, a festive concert was held in our school to implement the "Spiritual Renaissance" state program.
In connection with the Independence Day there was held a competition of reader r eading among 30 primary school students on the subject "The Independence Tragedy".
In order to implement the "Spiritual Renewal" state program on December 7, 2017, the Republican Olympiad for pupils of 8-11 grades of general secondary schools of Pavlodar city in general education subjects was held at lyceum №16.
Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" together with the Information Portal "Kazakhstan Internet Olympics" conducted republican distance Olympiad for Kazakh Literature teachers for the purpose of identifying and supporting talented teachers, stimulating teachers, improving their professional skills.
On December 8, in our school, there were past lessons and class clocks dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital of our republic. Astana ... how much in this word.
Day of the capital & mdash; July 6 & mdash; is the state ...
Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" together with the Information Portal "Kazakhstan Internet Olympics" conducted republican distance Olympiad for Kazakh Literature...
On December 6, our school hosted a single day of mediation and legal culture.
We all want to be successful and happy. We want to live among kind and interesting people, help each other. Dreaming of
On November 30, the school hosted a solemn holiday - dedication in Zhaslan. 86 children have sworn an oath to the native land and have filled up numbers of young zhaslan.
8-11 сынып оқушыларына арналған ғылыми жобалар байқауының қалалық кезеңінде математика секциясы бойынша Павлодар қаласы №30 жалпы орта білім беру мектебінің 9 сынып оқушысы Шуленов Актан ІІІ дәрежелі дипломмен марапатталды. Құттықтаймыз!
In the regional center of folk art "Shahira" was held the Republican contest "Dionis".
Student 3 "A" class Taylakova Ayana took part in this contest and became a laureate of the third degree in the nomination "Vocal". Congratulations to Ayan and wish her creative success!
On the eve of the First President's holiday on December, 1 in our school there were educational hours between the 5th and 9th classes. At this festive event, pupils got acquainted with the achievements of the Head of the State from his biography, his family, his work, and his achievements in the field of higher education.