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email: zhiger-pavlodar@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: Академик Шокин к. 32/2
вахта: 65-43-22 есепші кабинеті: 65-34-32 қабылдау: 65-43-20 әдістемелік қабинеті: 65-43-21
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График приема граждан:
Азаматтарды жеке сұрақтарымен қабылдайтын кестесі: Сейсенбі, 16-00 сағаттан- 18-00 дейін Сәрсенбі, 10-00 сағаттан- 12-00 дейін
June 3rd, 2019. The children of the school camp of the school-lyceum No. 10. were met by the teachers of the club “Balshuak”.
04-06-2019 10:53
June 3rd, 2019. The children of the school camp of the school-lyceum No. 10. were met by the teachers of the club “Balshuak”.

June 3rd, 2019. The children of the school camp of the school-lyceum No. 10. were met by the teachers of the club “Balshuak”. They took  part in a master class on the fine arts "Zhaz Keldi".