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Сәрсенбі 15.00-17.00
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Intellectual game
Intellectual game "Happy Occasion"
26-02-2019 21:32
        Within the framework of the decade of the natural-mathematical cycle, in the 9th grade, the intellectual game “Happy Occasion” was held. The purpose of the even...
Physical contest
Physical contest " Who is more resourceful?»
25-02-2019 07:45
      As part of the week of physical and mathematical cycle between students of 8 classes was held a physical competition " Who is more resourceful?", the purpose of which wa...
Math contest
Math contest "Scholars of knowledge"
23-02-2019 10:41
      Within a week of naturally-mathematical cycle in the school-lyceum  №20 was held the intellectual competition "Scholars of knowledge" among students of 9th -10th cl...
Intellectual quiz
Intellectual quiz "Own game"
22-02-2019 12:43
        Intellectual quiz "Own game", In school-Lyceum №20 started the week of natural and mathematical Sciences. The opening of the week began with the intellectual quiz...
With another victory, Abylayhan!
With another victory, Abylayhan!
21-02-2019 09:16
        Congratulations to Abdygalimov Abylaikhan, a pupil of 10 A class of the school-lyceum № 20, with 1,2, 3 places in the open Championship of Pavlodar in wrestling grappling a...
Lesson " Kindness is the sun that warms human's heart".
20-02-2019 09:41
   Today, the school-lyceum № 20 hea a lesson " Kindness is the sun that warms human's heart". The purpose of the lesson: to form students’sexpectations  about kindn...
19-02-2019 15:02
           In the framework of the action “Teenager-Law-Security”, the lyceum students took part in the on-line conference “Responsibility of minors for...
City Stage of Makhambet readings.
City Stage of Makhambet readings.
18-02-2019 09:40
            On February 15, 2019, a city tour of the Makhambet Readings poetic competition was held at school number 14 in the city of Pavlodar. Objective: to identify...
The leisure time of students is interesting!
The leisure time of students is interesting!
16-02-2019 21:56
         Pupils of the 8th grades of the school - lyceum №20 recently visited the «Oyna» Children's Development Center. English language courses, “Stem&r...
“Mercy is the highest virtue”
“Mercy is the highest virtue”
14-02-2019 13:54
     Today at the school-lyceum №20 a training was held - a lesson called “Mercy is the highest virtue”. The purpose of the training is to strengthen relations between stude...
School tour of poetry competition
School tour of poetry competition "Mahambetovsk’s reading»
13-02-2019 19:49
      12 February 2019 in the school-Lyceum № 20 of Pavlodar was held school round of the poetry competition "Mahambetovsksk’s reading". Purpose: to identify talented st...
The action
The action "Feed the birds in the winter!"
11-02-2019 21:53
       The lyceum students of the lyceum school 20 took part in the environmental campaign “Feed the Birds in Winter!” and maintain species diversity.  T...
Results of the competition
Results of the competition " Өнегелі ұстаз "
07-02-2019 20:42
        Zagygintseva E.A., a teacher of mathematics, L. Frick, a teacher of Russian language and literature I degree, III degree N.O. Bolatova, a teacher of mathematics took part i...
06-02-2019 16:21
    «Павлодар қаласының № 20 лицей-мектебі» ММ, ағымдағы оқу жылында 42 түлек мемлекеттік қорытынды аттестаттаудан және ҚР ЖОО-на түсу үшін  ҰБТ сынағын тапсырады. Оқу жылын...
  Директор сағаты
Директор сағаты
31-01-2019 21:01
         Бүгін "Павлодар қаласының №20 лицей-мектебі" ММ-де дәстүрлі "директор Сағаты"іс-шарасы өтті.  Мектеп директоры Г. Т. Топанованың пән олимпиад...
Bow  and glory for the teachers!
Bow and glory for the teachers!
30-01-2019 19:15
          On January 29, 2019, the house of friendship hosted the reception of the akim of Pavlodar, The school principals and the winners of the regional subject Olympiad. Th...
Five minutes information «Regime of healthy diet»
Five minutes information «Regime of healthy diet»
30-01-2019 15:36
      Today the five minutes information about healthy diet  has been conducted in the 8-10th classes. A purpose : to propagandize a  right way of life with healthy diet . Our...
Creative evening of poetry of akyn and journalist Sholpan Baigaly
Creative evening of poetry of akyn and journalist Sholpan Baigaly
27-01-2019 12:42
       A creative evening of poetry was held in Pavlodar on the occasion of honoring the honorary citizen of Pavlodar, the akyn and journalist Sholpan Baigaly. She worked in InEU i...
Online testing of graduates
Online testing of graduates
24-01-2019 22:11
        The use of information resources contributes to the qualitative preparation of graduates for the EAC. The computer base of the State Educational Institution...
2019 is named “Year of Youth”!
2019 is named “Year of Youth”!
23-01-2019 18:59
     Live broadcast of the opening of the “Year of Youth” with the participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev in the State institution &ldquo...