- General information about the school
School structure
- Information about the leader
- School administration
- Primary school teachers
- Teachers of mathematics, computer science, physics
- Russian language and literature teachers
- Teachers of the Kazakh language and literature
- Teachers of biology, chemistry, geography
- Teachers of History and Social Sciences
- Foreign language teachers
- Teachers of physical culture and basic military training
- Music, fine arts, self-knowledge, technology teachers
- School psychologists
- Speech therapist
- Choreographer
- School self-certification
- Information for students and parents
- Parent Pedagogical Support Center
- Оқу жұмыс жоспарлары
- Distance learning
Final students’ certification
- Final certification of graduates
- The plan of activities for the preparation of students of 11 grade to the final certification
- Schedule for special courses, consultations on preparation for final certification in 10-11 grades
- UNT (unified national testing) online
- Register of educational programs project
- Getting ready to write an essay. Types of arguments.
- Memo for 11 grade students who pass UNT
- EAAA SE 2021
- Work with talented students
- The work of the board of trustees
- Public services provided by the school
About our President
- Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev
- Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Cabinet of the First President
- The 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan is dedicated to ...
- Article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”
- School meals
- Career guidance
- Мектепті қаржыландыру
- Virtual School Museum
- Implementation of youth policy/educational work
- Social projects of teachers of self-knowledge
- School library activities
- Information about the local police inspector
- The Psychologist’s Page
- Methodical assistance to teachers
For You, Dear Parents!
- Extract from the school's charter. Safety memo
- Institute of the Ombudsman for Children (authorized in children’s rights)
- Videos for parents
- Детские электротравмы и их профилактика
- Emergency checklist
- Speech therapist's advice to parents of future first-graders
- School troubles. Go to high school
- 10 tips for parents of teenagers
- How to resolve conflicts
- 5 ways to spoil the relationship with your child
- How to help your child get tested?
- Mobile phone for the child: the pros and cons
- Peaceful atom in every home
- School overload: tips for schoolchildren and their parents
- Pavlodar weather
- Photo Gallery
- We learn Kazakh
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